Evolution, adaptations and diversity

Discover the role of Darwin-Wallace's theory in creating the incredible biological diversity present in our environment.

Embossed text on the cover of Charles Darwin's book 'Origin of the Species'

Links to New South Wales Curriculum

Focus Syllabus Outcomes

Stage 6 Biology

  • Describes biological diversity by explaining the relationships between a range of organisms in terms of specialisation for selected habitats and evolution of species (BIO11-10)

  • Develops and evaluates questions and hypotheses for scientific investigation (BIO11/12-1)

  • Designs and evaluates investigations in order to obtain primary and secondary data and information (BIO11/12-2)

  • Communicates scientific understanding using suitable language and terminology for a specific audience or purpose (BIO11/12-7)

General Capabilities
  • Literacy capability 

  • Information and Communication Technology capability 

  • Critical and Creative Thinking capability 

  • Personal and Social capability.

Teacher resources
4 Drawings of Darwin's finches
Explore the Darwin-Wallace theory of Evolution by Natural Selection.
Kids resources
Eucalyptus sideroxylon flowers
Adaptation is one of the key mechanisms behind evolution.
Kids resources
A canivorous pitcher plant with a tiny frog inside
Unrelated species evolve similar traits in order to survive.
Birds and animals
Cumberland Plain Woodland at the Australian Botanic Garden Mt Annan New South Wales
Cumberland Plain Woodland at the Australian Botanic Garden Mt Annan New South Wales
Kids resources
A Fairy Wren on a branch
Create a scientific poster which showcases bird diversity in a park or bushland area of your choice.
Kids resources