
Find and book educational excursions for school groups and school holidays at the Botanic Gardens of Sydney.

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Exciting learning adventures await your home schoolers. 


Experience the Garden and its fascinating nightlife on this adventure by torchlight. 


Learn how First Nations People’s concept of time and seasons is circular and explain how things happen in the world around them.


Students will investigate a wide variety of local native plants that are integral in the life of First Nations peoples. 

botanical illustration close up

Students explore the Botanic Gardens, to learn about thriving desert landscapes, biodiversity, and experience the wonder of time spent in nature.

second encounters thumbnail

Explore the history through hands on experiences to gain insight into First Nations peoples experiences of settlement and compare ways of knowing, being and doing between these two cultures. 

environment geography

Learn about how humans have contributed to the Cumberland Plain Woodland becoming an endangered biome.

Girl poking head through tree during Nature Play

Introduce your children to Nature Play. Our educators are trained to make learning and connecting with nature fun.


Bring your Vacation Care group to the Garden for creative and active outdoor fun! Explore the Garden through craft, art, cooking, gardening, First Nations culture, cool science, theatre shows, sensory tours and more. 

The entry to the Australian Plantbank at Mount Annan

A school tour of the Australian PlantBank is an extraordinary hands-on experience for students that brings their STEM learning to life within a state-of-the-art plant science and conservation facility. 

A circular arrangement of leaves with a powdery disease on their surface.

Examine a variety of plant specimens to understand the impact of pathogens and insects as well as the responses of plants to diseases.

Two students with magnifying glasses looking at magenta orchids

This full-day program supports Module 3: Biological Diversity in the new 2018 New South Wales Biology syllabus.