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Persoonia, known as Geebungs in eastern Australia, are notoriously difficult to grow and many are rare or endangered. Persoonia only occur in Australia.

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PlantBank is the award-winning home of plant conservation research, germplasm collection and storage in New South Wales, located at the Australian Botanic Garden Mount Annan.

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We document, study, and classify plants and algae to conserve species and study their evolution. Discover our work and services here. 

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The Australian PlantBank provides a source of native plant germplasm and associated data as a resource for the future.

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Learn about the conservation work and key project details of Australian PlantBank scientists in researching and protecting New South Wales terrestrial orchids. Find out more.


Discover over 60,000 years of culture, plant uses and stories from Aboriginal people in Sydney in this special episode of our Branch Out podcast. 

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The Australian Botanic Garden Mount Annan includes endangered Cumberland Plain Woodland, a regionally-important haven for native wildlife. Managing the native woodlands, grasslands and open space areas is essential to maintain habitat and support healthy fauna populations.  

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The science of ecology is about understanding the interactions of living organisms with each other and with their environment.

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These are the stages in the life cycle of the plant:

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Now consider the processes of pollination, seed dispersal and predation in the context of the life cycle, as well as ongoing processes such as seasonality and aging.