Convergent and divergent evolution

Unrelated species from different branches of the evolutionary tree often evolve similar traits that help them survive in their environment. We call this convergent evolution. 

Carnivorous plants in The Calyx at the Royal Botanic Garden Sydney

For example, the morphology, attractants and mechanisms of pitcher traps used to capture and consume small animals have evolved similarly across at least six unrelated plant lineages to fulfil the role of acquiring nutrients to survive. Read more on pitcher plant evolution here.

When a single species or closely related complex of species evolves different traits to help them survive, often due to environmental change or geographic isolations (think Darwin’s finches) we call this divergent evolution. If these new traits persist in the gene pool then eventually entirely new species may be formed. 

For example, extreme diversification and speciation in the Eucalyptus genus have resulted in over 700 species of eucalypts now found throughout Australia. One particular group, called the ‘green ashes’ has member species that are found across highly diverse habitats with different soil types, from cold mountain-tops to coastal headlands. The speciation among the green ashes is a current research focus at the Royal Botanic Garden Sydney and can be described as watching ‘evolution in action’. Read more about green ash evolution here.


Plant Evolution

Watch this video to explore the evolution of plants and discover details about phylogenetic trees.

Plant Evolution

Activities: Convergent and divergent evolution

1. Convergent evolution in plants

  • Examine the above material discussing the example of convergent evolution in carnivorous plants and the examples of divergent evolution in the green ash eucalypts.

  • Summarise your findings.


2. Convergent evolution in animals

Convergent evolution in a nutshell

3. Darwin's finches

  • Read this research article about Darwin's finches and watch the video below.

  • Make notes about the important characteristics that helped Darwin to formulate his theory of Evolution by Natural Selection.

Evolution by natural selection - Darwin's finches