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Cumberland Plain Woodland at the Australian Botanic Garden Mount Annan, New South Wales.

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Discover in-depth information about every plant there is in the Gardens.

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Clearing weeds is difficult, especially on a large scale, but massive progress has been made with the invasive African Olive at The Australian Botanic Garden Mount Annan. 

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Cumberland Plain Woodland is the original native vegetation community of much of Western Sydney.

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For most of us, the modern world provides the convenience of a never-ending supply of clean and safe drinking water whenever we turn on a tap.

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Plants have some pretty amazing tricks to survive. You might even say they are winning adaptations…

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Explore the Darwin-Wallace theory of evolution by natural selection. Investigate the role of adaptations in this theory and the diversity of species it can produce.

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Plants adapting and evolving to become pollinated by animals was a major leap forward in plant evolution.

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From seed to the adult tree! Explore the stages the Wollemi goes through to reach maturity and discover the work of scientists at the Australian PlantBank at the Australian Botanic Garden Mount Annan.

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Explore the work that is being done to ensure the survival of this rare, endangered species.