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Some habitats were burnt so badly last summer that we're concerned for a few Waratah species. But as we enter peak flowering season we're also expecting to see a big burst. 


Gardens of sensory delights are trending across Australia because of their unique education experiences and lighthearted approach to designing a beautiful space.


Providing some of the most vibrant colour in autumn gardens, delicious syrup and winged seeds which helicopter to the ground to the great delight of any child in the vicinity. 


The Australian Institute of Botanical Science will advance fundamental knowledge of flora and drive effective conservation solutions to ensure the survival of plants. 


In Australia we mark the new calendar year on the 1st of January, but in many places throughout Asia, the start of the New Year is dictated by lunar cycles. 


One of Australia's leading restaurant and catering companies, Trippas White Group, has significantly invested into the transformation of the Botanic Gardens Restaurant. 


Plant names are far more than a theoretical exercise in scientific classification - they are invaluable tools for understanding the diversity of life.


The wet weather hammering Australia is causing all sorts of unusual sights but one that has had people stumped is the jellyfish-like blobs being found.


The exuberance of summer continues in early autumn. Big, bold and beautiful flowers feature this month.

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