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From the sapphire towers of the blue puya to a surprised and king parrot - the recent rain has the Blue Mountain Botanic Garden Mount Tomah looking lush and gorgeous.

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When a space is small, you want to get it right. Darren Martin from Community Greening has made it easy with just four steps.


Three great ways to spend summer outdoors in the beautiful garden. 


At the Royal Botanic Garden Sydney, there are 3,957 trees, but some have reached a higher ‘celebrity’ status than others.


Cacti and Succulents are drought resistant and have a wide variety of species.  


It’s a curious question our scientists are trying to answer.


Unearthing the Medieval herbals, some of the Daniel Solander Library's most intriguing books about medicinal plants.


A unique repository of horticultural and botanical knowledge, the Daniel Solander Library holds a wealth of information from some of the earliest botanical publications.

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