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Kayte Wilkie is the brain behind the beauty of the Wildflower Meadow Horticulture display at the Royal Botanic Garden Sydney, discover the meadows garden now.


Rare, hidden and spitting flowers headline this month’s must-see tour.


Students will explore the places they live in and belong to while observing and describing features of places.

Staff Profile

Adina Oosterwijk is a Community Greening Officer, supporting gardens and communities across Sydney.

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We hope you’ve enjoyed this self-guided trail through the Royal Botanic Garden Sydney. Now it’s time to enjoy Desert Jungle, an exhibition by Jeannie Baker.

Staff Profile

Catherine Wardrop is a highly skilled Botanical Illustrator based at the National Herbarium of NSW...

Staff Profile

Chief Scientist & Director Science, Education and Conservation

Staff Profile

Hannah McPherson is the Collections Manager, at the National Herbarium of New South Wales.

Staff Profile

Ganesha S. Liyanage is a Plant Conservation Scientist.

Staff Profile

Lotte oversees the maintenance and procurement of equipment used by scientists for their research.