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Showing results 251 - 260 of 794
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Find well-known Australian plant groups including grevilleas, waratahs, banksias, hakeas and rainforest species.

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Australia has 17 species of Callitris, commonly known as Cypress Pines.

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Visit a stunning collection of Australian Bottle Trees.

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Visit the Cumberland Plain Woodlands, a critically endangered ecological community that once covered much of the region before European settlement.

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Mallees are small multi-stemmed eucalypts and have the greatest variety of foliage and flower form of all Australia's gum trees.

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See the abundance of native Australian plants that have been used for food, tools and medicine.

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This regal area of the Garden contains four layered garden spaces abundant with native and international plant life that showcase a variety of ornamental plants and stunning horticultural designs.

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Experience the largest Rock Garden in the Southern Hemisphere at the Blue Mountains Botanic Garden Mount Tomah. This popular area boasts a vast collection of southern hemisphere plants, including waratahs, proteas and puyas, and pools that host an array of aquatic plants and ferns.

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See towering Coast Redwoods, Giant Sequoias, Norfolk Island Pines and the 'dinosaur plant', the Wollemi Pine.

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Explore Blue Mountains Basalt Cap Forest with stands of sassafras, coachwood and ethereal ferns.