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Grow colourful Proteas to thrive in your home garden with advice from the experts at the Botanic Gardens of Sydney. 

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You don’t need a large garden to grow the herbs you love - and you don't need to spend a lot of money or buy new things to make an attractive planter. 

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The key to growing native plants in Sydney gardens is soil preparation, we’ve created a guide to take the guesswork out of it for you.

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New research from the Botanic Gardens' Evolutionary Ecology team combines cultural and scientific knowledge to reveal plant stories from the past.

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Create the ideal home for your vegetable garden by making perfect soil that is full of life!

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Sensory gardens are designed to stimulate the senses with a variety of aromas, textures, colours and shapes.

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Explore the plants and animals, the scientific work and horticulture of the Garden with our immersive virtual tours.


School habitat gardens are important in providing habitat for native wildlife as well as being a great opportunity to teach students about biodiversity. 


From the King Protea to vibrant camellias, there’s plenty that blooms in a winter garden. Here are some of the plants blooming at the Blue Mountains Botanic Garden.