Plant adaptations

Australian plants are champions when it comes to adaptations. They have to be!

Trees in the Australian bush

Learning how to survive off the land

Plants can’t get up and run from a fire or move into the shade if it gets too hot (most of the time they ARE in the shade!). They just have to come up with clever tricks (adaptations) that will help them survive the environment they are growing in, PLUS survive all the other weather Australia throws at them, like drought, floods, cyclones and heat waves! Australia’s environment has led to some pretty special plants that exist nowhere else in the world.

Because of this, we have decided to hold a Plant Adaptation Awards Night!! The award categories include the Water Saving Award, Fire Proof Award, Sun Catcher Award and Epic Survivor Award.

The nominations are in, the judges have chosen and it’s time to announce the Plant Adaptation Award Winners!

Let the ceremony begin!

Graphic with stars and the words 'Plant Adaptation Awards'

Water Saving Award

Our nominations included some pretty clever physical adaptations to survive in sunny, hot and dry environments like this…

There’s not much water around the dry environment so the plants below have to try really hard to hold onto the water they do have.

And the winner is...

Uluru in the distance against a blue sky

The arid Australian outback is home to many plants that have adapted to survive.

Fire Proof Award

Australia has a long history of bushfires in forest and woodland environments like this:

It takes some very impressive adaptations for plants to be able to survive a fire.

Trees regenerating in the bush after a fire

Watch this time-lapse video to see plants recovering after bushfires in New South Wales

Video credit: On Demand News

Amazing time-lapse captures bushland Recovering after devastating bushfires in Australia

And the winner is...

Sun Catcher Award

Our nominations include adaptations to help plants survive in wet, places that don’t get much sunlight. We’re talking about rainforest environments like the one shown below.

Dense, lush rainforest

And the winner is...

Epic Survivor Award

There was only one nomination for this award. No other plant has been able to survive unchanged in its environment as long as this plant has. It seems to have developed the perfect adaptations for its canyon environment because we are talking 200 million years of survival! This plant is so old it has seen dinosaurs! In fact, you could even call it a Pine-osaur!

And the winner is...

Listen to Episode 4 of the Branch Out podcast to learn more about the amazing Wollemi Pine.

Activities: Plant adaptations

1. Pretend you are hosting the Plant Adaptations Awards.

  • Learn about the adaptations of carnivorous plants

  • With a partner, act out giving an award to a carnivorous plant.

  • What are they getting the award for? What are their cool adaptations?

  • What will the carnivorous plant say in its thank you speech? How might it act?


2. Plant hunt

  • Can you find any water-saving plants, sun-catching plants or fireproof plants at your school? 

  • What type did you have the most of? Why do you think that might be?


3. Model plants after a bushfire

  • Using playdough or clay and natural materials, model what happens after a bushfire.

  • What do the fireproof plants do to recover?

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