Carnivorous plant adaptations

Have you ever heard of a plant that eats meat?

Macro shot of an insect sitting on a carnivorous plant

Links to New South Wales Curriculum

Focus Syllabus Outcomes

Stage 3 Science and Technology


Living world

  • Plans and conducts scientific investigations to answer testable questions, and collects and summarises data to communicate conclusions (ST3-1WS-S)

  • Examines how the environment affects the growth, survival and adaptation of living things (ST3-4LW-S)

Inquiry question

How do the structural and behavioural features of carnivorous plants support survival?

Meat-eating plants evolved and developed over millions of years

Some of their adaptations include;

  • Cunning tricks to lure prey

  • Deadly traps to prevent escape

  • The ability to liquefy and absorb the bodies of their victims.


Explore the fascinating features of these plants that trap animals from their environment for food. Investigate the different types of plant traps and their adaptations. Discover where they grow and examples of their prey.

A carnivorous cobra lily light trap plant on a black background
Discover the world of snare traps, pitfall traps, sticky traps, suction traps and light traps.
Kids resources