A Special Place

Students explore the features of the Botanic Garden to discover why it is special and learn how to take care of it.

Children smelling flowers on a school excursion

Early Stage 1




2 hours


Rathborne Lodge, Royal Botanic Garden Sydney

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Minimum charges apply. Discounts apply for full day programs!

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Students will embark on a discovery walk, complete an interactive mapping activity, and engage in learning new skills through nature play.

Students will

  • Explore and play in the beautiful Botanic Garden and learn about what makes it so special.
  • Journey through the differently themed Garden areas, getting to know them through sensory games and a mapping activity.
  • Discover and identify native Australian plants and their special purposes for food and medicine.

Key content

  • Investigating the importance of the Botanic Garden by discussing why it is special and how different people care for the Garden.
  • Learning how places and nature are integral to Aboriginal culture.
  • Discussing what it means for everyone to live and belong in special places. 
  • Discovering how the locations of what they have seen at the Botanic Garden can be represented using a simple map.
  • Developing a sense of wonder through sensory exploration of unfamiliar spaces.

Links to New South Wales curriculum

Geography – People Live in Places

  • Identifies places and develops an understanding of the importance of places to people (GEe-1)
  • Communicates geographical information and uses geographical tools (GEe-2)
harbour view lawn sydney

Discover and identify native Australian plants and their special purposes for food and medicine.