Alexander's Outing

Based on Pamela Allen’s book ‘Alexander’s Outing’, children trace Alexander’s journey through the garden and solve mathematical problems along the way.

Three children in the Botanic Gardens, one with gloves on and a plant in his hands

Early Stage 1


Mathematics and English


2 hours


Rathborne Lodge, Royal Botanic Garden Sydney

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Minimum charges apply. Discounts apply for full day programs!

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Based on Pamela Allen’s book ‘Alexander’s Outing’, children trace Alexander’s journey through the garden and solve mathematical problems along the way.

Students will

  • Actively participate in a retelling of the story Alexander’s Outing.
  • Adventure through the Garden to count bird numbers, identify shapes in the environment and compare the height and width of trees eg bottle trees.
  • Use mathematical language while re-enacting the rescuing of Alexander by using water to make him float.

Key content

  • Estimating, counting and comparing the number of objects in a group, e.g. birds near the pond.
  • Using everyday and comparative language to describe length e.g. long, longer walk through the Garden, tall, taller trees.
  • Filling and emptying containers with water e.g. to rescue Alexander, and use the terms “full”, “empty” and “about half full”.
  • Describing and naming familiar two-dimensional shapes in the environment e.g. triangles in the harbour bridge.
  • Responding to the shared reading of texts for enjoyment and pleasure and retell familiar stories e.g. Alexander’s Outing.

Links to New South Wales curriculum

Focus Syllabus Outcomes


  • Describes mathematical situations using everyday language, actions, materials and informal recordings (MAe-1WM)



  • Communicates with peers and known adults in informal and guided activities demonstrating emerging skills of group interaction (ENe-1A)
Supported Syllabus Outcomes


  • Uses objects, actions, technology and/or trial and error to explore mathematical problems (MAe-2WM)  
  • Describes and compares lengths and distances using everyday language (MAe-9MG)
  • Describes and compares the capacities of containers and the volumes of objects or substances using everyday language (MAe-11MG) 
  • Manipulates, sorts and describes representations of two-dimensional shapes, including circles, triangles, squares and rectangles, using everyday language (MAe-15MG)



  • Demonstrates developing skills and strategies to read, view and comprehend short, predictable texts on familiar topics in different media and technologies (ENe-4A) 
Educator shows four children different dried seed pods in a Garden

Adventure through the Garden to count bird numbers, identify shapes in the environment and compare the height and width of trees.