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Students will explore the places they live in and belong to while observing and describing features of places.


Innovative urban gardens are an excellent solution to the environmental challenges we face in our cities.


Explore the amazing world of plant and animal habitats in the Gardens and discover the characteristics and needs of living things.


Students will learn the value of water, how water interacts with its environment and the importance of sustainable management. 


Students explore the features of the Botanic Garden to discover why it is special and learn how to take care of it.


Students explore the features of the Botanic Garden to discover why it is special and learn how to take care of it.


Students explore the features of the Botanic Garden to discover why it is special and learn how to take care of it.


Get hands-on building your own bee hotels.


Meet Abbie Mitchel, author of A Hollow is a Home to learn the roles, adaptations and needs of tree hollow-dependent animals.


Explore the impacts of colonisation on the local Aboriginal people.