Filming and Photography Application Form

You can use this form to apply for approval to undertake commercial filming or still photography activities in the indoor and outdoor spaces within The Botanic Gardens. 

Ensure you have read the Commercial Filming and Photography Terms and Conditions and the Botanic Gardens. 

Please note this application is subject to approval by The Botanic Gardens and does not constitute a confirmed booking.

Only required if you have selected "Other" above.

Please supply more detailed information if you have ticked any of the boxes above.
Please note: many of the above activities will also require approval to be sought from other statutory authorities. This may include, but is not limited to, NSW Police, NSW Roads and Maritime Services, Arts NSW, RSPCA, NSW Office of the Children's Guardian, Fire and Rescue NSW, NSW Rural Fire Service.

We recommend a minimum 5 business days to process an application.

View map here

Please note: parking is only available for 24 hour periods.

(Refer to rate card for fees)

Risk Assessment

As part of your application you must provide a risk assessment. For more information, see our Filming and Photography Risk Assessment.

Terms and conditions

All filming and photography activities are subject to agreement with specific Terms and Conditions.

Applications are also bound by the Royal Botanic Garden and Domain Trust regulations.

Fees and Charges

Please see our rate card for a comprehensive list of our fees and charges for filming and photography activities.

Supporting Documentation

Proof of public liability insurance ($20m for filming, $10m for photography) and a completed risk assessment form must be submitted as part of this application. You can add these documents to your application below. Location map, production schedule and budget are not required, but will assist us in processing your application.


Full payment is required prior to production and can be made by EFT or credit card (Visa and MasterCard only).

Upon submission of your application, our staff will be in contact with you to provide a quote for your production.

Terms and Conditions

Please check the box below to acknowledge that you have read and accept The Royal Botanic Garden Terms and Conditions for commercial filming and photography activities.