The secret life of pollinators

Ever wondered how you get your honey  and  cereal in the morning, or the vegetables you eat for dinner? Learn more about the weird and wonderful lives of pollinators and why they are so important to us!  

A European bee pollinating a purple flower

Links to New South Wales Curriculum

Focus Syllabus Outcomes

Stage 2 Science and Technology

  • A student compares the features and characteristics of living and non-living things (ST2-4LW-S)

  • A student describes how agricultural processes are used to grow plants and raise animals for food, clothing and shelter (ST2-5LW-T)


Stage 2 Geography

  • A student examines the features and characteristics of places and environments (GE2-1)

  • A student describes the ways people, places and environments interact (GE2-2)



  • A student questions, plans and conducts scientific investigations, collects and summarises data and communicates using scientific representations (ST2-1WS-S)

  • A student selects and uses materials, tools and equipment to develop solutions for a need or opportunity (ST2-2DP-T)

  • A student acquires and communicates geographical information using geographical tools for inquiry (GE2-4)

General Capabilities
  • Literacy capability

  • Numeracy capability

  • Information and Communication Technology capability

  • Critical and Creative Thinking capability

  • Personal and Social capability

  • Ethical Understanding capability

  • Intercultural Understanding capability.

Teacher resources

For more information on bees, pollination and current research see;


Citizen science opportunities


Activity extensions

The ‘Who Pollinates That?’ activity sheet could be modified for a whole class activity like below. This game will get your students thinking and moving around, to learn about pollination, develop decision making skills and work together to solve problems.  

  • Create three ‘stations’ around the classroom for students to move to. 

  • Give each student an image of either a plant, bat, bird, butterfly, moth, bee, possum, or fly.

  • Ask questions about external characteristics that group the plants and pollinators differently. For example, ‘how many legs do they have?’ would result in the three stations ‘no legs’, ‘two legs’, and ‘six legs’.  

  • Students then move to the station that their living thing belongs to e.g. all the insect pollinators go to ‘six legs’, the birds and bats go to ‘two legs’ and the plants go to ‘no legs’. Likewise, you can make groups based on whether they have fur, feathers, different colours or shapes, wings, leaves etc. 

A monarch butterfly on a flower
All these pollinators help different types of plants as they are attracted to different flowers.
Birds and animals
A colourfully painted bee hive
Living things provide us with food, shelter and medicine. Without pollinators, we would have no food!
Kids resources