Flower Features
Have you ever visited The Calyx building at the Royal Botanic Garden Sydney? Do you know what a calyx is?

A calyx is the outer part of the flower formed by the sepals that covers and protects the petals.
Did you know that this building’s design is modelled on a flower? Flowers are important as they help the plant reproduce, provide food for animals to eat and some can be used to make medicines.
The Parts of a Flower
Why are Flowers Important?
Take a 360 degree virtual tour
To see how the calyx of a flower became an inspiration for our Calyx building at the Royal Botanic Garden Sydney.
Image Gallery
The Calyx at the Royal Botanic Garden Sydney inBloom at The Calyx: This exhibition showcases the diversity of colour flowers can display. The Calyx: Looking towards the 'iris' or central flexible garden space. The Calyx illuminated at night: The Calyx hosts many public evening events. Overhead view of The Calyx: The distinctive shape of The Calyx in full view. Does it look like a flower? Large green wall: A past exhibition at The Calyx called “All About Flowers” highlights how the beautiful green wall can be used to display thousands of plants.
Activities - Flower Features
- Make your own find-a-word.
Not all plants produce flowers, but all flowers are important. Watch the video 'Why are Flowers Important?' above and write down 10 ‘flowery’ words you hear. Check the spelling of them and then make your own find-a-word. Test a friend.
- Be creative
Explore the 360 degree virtual tour of the Calyx building at the Royal Botanic Garden Sydney. Can you see which parts of the building match up with parts of a flower? See if you can find them on this aerial view line drawing of The Calyx. Print this drawing and get creative.... you could complete the repeated pattern, colour it in or make a 3D model.
- Observe and draw
Go outside into a garden and see if you can find any flowers blooming. Focus on the different shapes, colours and parts of the flower. Why do you think they look different? Draw some of the flowers you see and label the different parts: petal, sepal, anther, filament, stigma, style, ovary, stamen and pistil. Use the diagram of flower parts to help.
- Dissect a flower
With the help of an adult, dissect a flower. Watch the video below to see how you can do this.
Dissecting a Flower