Invertebrate Safari

Explore the amazing world of invertebrates.

Child holding a stick insect amongst leaves

Stage 1




2 hours


The Bowden Centre, Australian Botanic Garden Mount Annan

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Minimum charges apply. Discounts apply for full day programs!

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Invertebrates are everywhere!

Students will explore different habitats in the Botanic Garden to find these amazing creatures, observe their external features and discover how they change as they grow. Plus, they’ll get hands-on by modelling their own invertebrate with natural materials to take home.

Students will

  • Investigate pond life using dipnets to collect water invertebrates and observe their features and life changes.
  • Conduct a bug hunt to investigate which land invertebrates live in the Botanic Garden and use ID charts to identify and describe what they find.
  • Meet our resident stick-insects, learn about their amazing features and life cycle before creating an invertebrate using clay and loose parts.

Key content

  • Describe the external features of a variety of invertebrates they find in the Botanic Garden.
  • Identify and group land invertebrates using their external features, for example worms, insects and spiders.
  • Identify that invertebrates live in different places that suit their needs.
  • Explore how water and land invertebrates change and have offspring similar to themselves.
  • Use field work techniques to safely and responsibility collect animals for observation.

Links to New South Wales curriculum

Focus Syllabus Outcomes

Science - Living Worlds

  • Describes observable features of living things and their environments (ST1-4LW-S)
Supported Syllabus Outcomes

Science - Working Scientifically

  • Observes, questions and collects data to communicate and compare ideas (ST1-1WS-S) 
Red and blue beetle on a leaf

Learn about invertebrates' amazing features and life cycles before creating an invertebrate using clay and loose parts.