Plant discovery and evolution

Using innovative systematics methods, we document morphology, geographic distribution, and evolutionary history using taxonomy, phylogenomics, and macroevolution. 


Key Projects

Learn about projects researching botanical discovery and evolution.
Read about key projects


NSW Flora Online (PlantNET) is an open-source database managed by the Botanic Gardens of Sydney.
Read about PlantNET
botanical illustration close up

Botanical Identification Service

We provide a comprehensive botanical identification service, with emphasis on plants of New South Wales.
Read about plant identification
botanical illustration close up

Telopea Journal

Learn more about the field of systematic botany in Australia and the Asia-Pacific region.
Access Telopea Journal
Botanical illustration close up

Botanical illustration

A history thousands of years old, uncover a world of botanical illustration.
Read about botanical illustration
Botanical illustration close up

Meet the team

Meet the team leading plant discovery and evolution research.
Meet the team

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