Just like money can be withdrawn from a bank, our plants are 'withdrawn' for use in research, ecological restoration or translocation. Seeds and cuttings are 'deposited' at the Australian PlantBank from native bushland, stock plants or seed production areas, adding to our future savings.
Understanding our native plants is crucial to restoring and conserving plants on the brink, and key to using the seeds for future ecological restoration.

The Botanic Gardens of Sydney has been dedicated to the conservation of orchids for over 20 years.

Some Persoonia species are rare and threatened. Our research is vital for ensuring their populations will persistt.

The Wollemi Pine is teetering on the edge of extinction. Learn how the Botanic Gardens are helping to save them.

Learn how we're working to conserve Australian rainforest plant species.
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Get information about the National Herbarium of New South Wales, the Australian Plantbank and PlantClinic.

Are you an early career scientist, or volunteer seeking fieldwork experience? Learn about opportunities with us.