Wollemi Pine

Find out more about our collaborative research projects, including the I Spy A Wollemi Pine survey and our international Meta-Collection project.

Scientist Cathy Offord looks at Wollemi Pines in a nursery

Research projects

I Spy a Wollemi Pine Survey 

The I Spy A Wollemi Pine survey was launched in 2019 to help scientists understand more about the best growing conditions and tolerances of the tree around the world. The survey received over 1,500 responses and revealed Wollemi Pines are growing everywhere from Hawaii to Moscow - thriving in loamy soil, with a temperate climate between 3.2 and 25.4C and above-average rainfall. 

Global Meta-Collection

The Wollemi Pine meta-collection launched in 2024. The project is a global collaborative effort with key partners Botanic Gardens Conservation International and Forestry England, and other global participating botanic gardens. It is informed by decades of research, including a recent citizen science survey developed by Dr Offord and Dr Heidi Zimmer from CSIRO.

When was it discovered?

In September 1994 David Noble, an officer with the NSW National Parks & Wildlife Service, discovered some trees he didn’t quite recognise. In a deep, narrow canyon of the rugged Wollemi National Park, he discovered what we now call Wollemia nobilis or the Wollemi Pine.

Find out more in this clip by ABC Catalyst: Horstman M et al (19/5/2005) Wollemi Pine. ABC Catalyst.  

Why was it so extraordinary?

The dramatic discovery of an evolutionary line thought to be long extinct is even more remarkable with these tall and striking Wollemi Pine trees growing only 150 km from Sydney, the largest city in Australia. They were found in the extremely rugged Wollemi National Park, a largely undisturbed wilderness area.

Find out more in this clip by ABC Splash: Content Mint, 'Prehistoric Wollemi Pine discovered', ABC Splash

Where is the Wollemi Pine found?

The Wollemi Pines grow in the Wollemi National Park, north-west of Sydney, the state capital of New South Wales (NSW), Australia. The park covers about 500 000 hectares and is the largest wilderness area in the state - a very rugged mountainous region of ridges, cliffs, canyons and undisturbed forest.

The sandstone ridges and canyon walls are covered by dry sclerophyll woodland and shrubland dominated by Eucalyptus species. A warm temperate rainforest in the deep canyons is dominated by Coachwood (Ceratopetalum apetalum) and Sassafras (Doryphora sassafras), with an understory dominated by ferns such as Sticherus (Sticherus flabellatus). The Wollemi Pines grow on ledges in these canyons.

Given the degree of interest in the Wollemi Pine, protecting it is crucial, and this is done through both legislation and site management. Under the NSW Threatened Species Conservation Act (1995) a fine of up to $220,000 and imprisonment of up to two years can be imposed for any damage caused.   

What is the ecology of the Wollemi Pine?

The Wollemi Pine grows in a sandstone canyon in a ferny warm temperate rainforest. It grows on the steep lower slopes and ledges of the canyon on an acidic, sandy loam soil with pH of about 4.5. The main vascular associate plant species are Coachwood (Ceratopetalum apetalum), Sassafras (Doryphora sassafras), Lilly Pilly (Acmena smithii), Soft Treefern (Dicksonia antarctica), shield ferns (Lastreopsis spp.) and Umbrella Fern (Sticherus flabellatus).

Population parameters

  • Fewer than 100 trees at several sites
  • Average 4.7 stems per tree
  • Average stem height is 11 m
  • Average stem diameter is 118 mm
  • Tallest tree is 38.5 m
  • Widest stem is 0.67 m


The Wollemi Pine is bisexual (monoecious), with both male and female cones on the same tree. The round female cones produce the seeds, and the long male cones produce the pollen. The female and male cones start growing in mid-summer. In late spring the male cones release masses of pollen, which is carried by the wind, to fertilise the egg cells in the female cones. The female cones then take about 18 months to ripen, when the fertilised ovaries develop into seeds and they then fall apart high above the canyon floor, releasing winged seeds that float to the ground - research has been conducted into embryological (seed) development. If a seed falls in a suitable position and the weather is favourable it will germinate. Over time, if the light conditions are right, the small seedling may grow to become a majestic emergent rainforest tree.

Over 200 seedlings have been counted in the wild. Some of these are tagged and are being monitored for survival and growth rates. The seedlings grow on average only 1 cm per year and most are less than 30 cm high. Many of these seedlings will die unless there is a canopy opening that allows light in penetrate to the ground - thus providing energy for the seedlings to grow.

Given the right conditions the trees grow quickly for the first 15-20 metres until they reach the canopy, they then put more of their energy into the bulk of their trunks and root systems. 


Through the millions of years of population decline, the Wollemi Pine has maintained its ability to sexually reproduce but has adopted a secondary reproductive strategy - that of self-coppicing.

Coppicing also helps the tree to survive disturbance. While tree ring analysis has revealed that trees with a diameter of 0.8 m may be 350+ years old, the coppice roots may be thousands of years old. The extensive root system of the Wollemi Pine may also explain how it has survived droughts - the roots penetrate into creek beds and into cracks in the sandstone cliffs.


All populations have been burnt or subjected to rock fall or windstorm damage. It is postulated that if these disturbance events happen too often they may reduce or eliminate the Wollemi Pine's population. On the other hand, if there is no disturbance the other rainforest plants may dominate the glades and prevent the Wollemi Pine's seedlings from growing into adult trees. 

Some big ecological questions

The long-term aim of the ecological research into the Wollemi Pine is to track the survivorship of the trees and the seedlings. This may reveal some insight into how to manage disturbance such as wildfire at the sites.

  • How old are the coppice trees and how long can they live?
  • Could too-frequent wildfire destroy the stands?
  • How frequent and what type of disturbance would ensure survival of the Wollemi Pine?
  • How do we manage illegal visitation to minimise impacts?

How old is the Wollemi Pine?

To determine the age of the Wollemi Pine trees, a scientific team cut cross-sections from one of the fallen trunks (a large mature, 35-40 metre trunk) at the original site in Wollemi National Park, and sent them to the Australian National University Forestry Department for analysis.

One of the most intriguing things that can’t be determined, due to coppicing (the unusual branching habit which leads to old Wollemi Pines having many separate trunks), is how old the original tree was before this particular trunk was produced. It may have been hundreds, or perhaps thousands of years since it was a seedling!

By counting the growth rings from cross-sections of the trunk and combining this with carbon dating, the best estimate for this sample trunk is about 350 years old. This means that this trunk started growing around 1650! See also 'Determining its age' and 'If Trees Could Talk...'.

Family ties?

The Wollemi Pine belongs to the conifer family Araucariaceae, and its closest living relatives in this family include the Kauri (Agathis species), Norfolk Island, Hoop, Bunya Bunya and Monkey Puzzle pines (Araucaria species). Morphological, wood anatomy and DNA analysis suggest that the Wollemi Pine is a new genus, falling between the two previously known living genera: Agathis and Araucaria.


Conifers date back to the Carboniferous age, more than 300 million years ago. ‘Modern’ (evolved) conifers, like the Araucariaceae family, are known from the Triassic period, more than 250 million years ago.

There are Triassic fossil examples of the Araucariaceae family, which reached maximum diversity during the Jurassic and Cretaceous periods, between 200 and 65 million years ago, with worldwide distribution. At the end of the Cretaceous, when dinosaurs became extinct, so too did the Araucariaceae in the northern hemisphere.

Until about the middle of the Tertiary (30 million years ago), plants in the Araucariaceae grew in the forests of the southern super-continent of Gondwana (which included Australia, Africa, South America, Antarctica and India). The Araucariaceae family then began a slow decline in range and diversity as flowering plants, better adapted to climate change, began to evolve and gradually displace conifers. The last fossil record of the Wollemi Pine is dated at about two million years ago and so the Pine was thought to be extinct. See also 'Tracking through time'.

What does it look like?

Where can you see the Wollemi Pine?

A great example of a cultivated Wollemi Pine can be found behind the Visitor Centre at the Australian Botanic Garden, Mount Annan. Nearly 20 years old, this tree has been well-watered and protected from sun on the southern side of the building. It is well over ten metres tall and is covered with both male and female cones. Like plants in the wild, the tree is beginning to produce multiple branches from the base.

You can also see a Wollemi Pine in the Royal Botanic Garden Sydney, see here on the map.

How is it being protected in the wild?

After millions of years of evolution from ancestors in or before the dinosaur era, the Wollemi Pine is teetering on the edge of extinction. Human beings are the biggest threat to its survival. One visitor to the site could destroy the population by introducing pathogens, for example a root fungus.

Since there are so few specimens in the wild, a thorough management strategy has been developed to protect them - the Wollemi Pine Recovery Plan - which includes:  

Why was the Wollemi Pine propagated for sale?

Humans pose the greatest threat to the survival of the magnificent Wollemi Pine in the wild. Ensuring the trees can be seen and grown by the public is a unique and exciting part of the strategy to protect the remaining trees. Having Wollemi Pines in homes, gardens and parks worldwide is safeguarding the species from becoming extinct and minimises the threat of unauthorised visits to the wild population. In conservation terms, this strategy combines in situ protection of the trees with ex situ cultivation and translocation as a 'back up' for the wild population.

Plants have been available from Botanic Gardens Shops at the Royal Botanic Garden, Sydney, the Australian Botanic Garden, Mount Annan, and the Blue Mountains Botanic Garden, Mount Tomah, on-line or from selected nurseries in Australia since 1 April 2006.

So far, the plant is proving to be an especially good pot plant and can be grown in many garden situations.  

How do I grow my Wollemi Pine?

Wollemi Pines, like other Araucariaceae, grow in warm temperate rainforests and are adapted to a climate with low frost intensity and frequency, and warm summer temperatures. Wollemi Pines are the most frost tolerant and least heat tolerant of the Australian Araucariaceae, a response that is consistent with its current location and climate in a deep, protected gorge.

Understanding the natural growing environment, including light levels and temperature, of the Wollemi Pine has been important in ensuring cultivated and translocated plants will survive and thrive in their new locations. For example, cultivated plants thrive in protected positions, with exposed plants showing yellowing and leaf drop due to irreversible photoinhibition (light damage). This damage occurs with a combination of temperatures that are too high or low (exacerbated by wind chill and low soil moisture), and strong sunlight exposure to foliage (especially young delicate leaves).

Plants in more protected positions, especially those slowly adapting to lower temperatures going into summer or winter, will be more likely to survive with minimal damage. Our research has shown that Wollemi Pines grow best in climates with temperatures as low as -10oC in winter and up to 37oC in summer. 

For more detailed scientific information on this topic, see Growth of the Wollemi Pine in the Wild and Growth of the Wollemi Pine in cultivation.