Cunninghamia publishes original research papers on all aspects of plant ecology with particular emphasis on the vegetation and flora of eastern Australia. Descriptive, experimental and historical studies of plant communities, populations, individuals, their interactions with other organisms and their management are acceptable.

Cunninghamia is a fully open-access online scientific journal published on the Web by the National Herbarium of New South Wales, Royal Botanic Gardens & Domain Trust, Sydney.
Papers are published online following acceptance by the editorial committee. Acceptance is the responsibility of an editorial committee chaired by the Scientific Editor. All papers are peer-reviewed.
Volume 24 - 2024
Kevin Mills
Cunninghamia 24: 001–008.
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2024.001
Thomas Mesaglio
Cunninghamia 24: 009–042.
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2024.002
Dirk HR Spennemann
Cunninghamia 24: 043–046
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2024.003
Kevin Mills and Jane Johnston
Cunninghamia 24: 047–060
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2024.004
Volume 23 - 2023
Keith L. McDougall , Genevieve T. Wright *, Peter M. Bredell , Elizabeth A. James , Laura Simmons
Cunninghamia (2023) 23: 001– 009
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2023.001
Laura C. Lopresti, Karen D. Sommerville, Amy-Marie Gilpin and Todd E. Minchinton
Reproductive biology of rainforest Rutaceae: floral biology, breeding
systems and pollination vectors of Acronychia oblongifolia and
Sarcomelicope simplicifolia subsp. simplicifolia
Cunninghamia (2023) 23: 011–026
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2023.002
Dirk HR Spennemann
Cunninghamia (2023) 23: 027–031
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2023.003
Heidi Zimmer, Joel Christian, Naomi Christian, Mark Clements, Alexandra Nance, Katharina Nargar, Nicholas A. Macgregor, Kevin Mills and Mel Wilson.
Island treasures: rapid assessment of orchids on Norfolk Island
Cunninghamia (2023) 23: 033–047 doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2023.004
Brian Towle
Cunninghamia (2023) 23: 049–054 doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2023.005
Michael D. Doherty, Geoffrey Robertson and Genevieve Wright.
Cunninghamia (2023) 23: 055-066
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2023.006
Keith L. McDougall and Genevieve T. Wright
Cunninghamia (2023) 23: 067–075
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2023.007
Volume 22 - 2022
Jenna Voigt and Anita C. Chalmers
Environmental factors affecting the abundance of the threatened shrub Tasmannia glaucifolia (Winteraceae) in Barrington Tops National Park
Cunninghamia (2022) 22: 001– 010
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2022.001
Stephen A. J. Bell
Cunninghamia (2022) 22: 011–025
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2022.002
S. McIntyre, J. Lewis and A.O. Nicholls
Potential for conservation and restoration following long-term pastoral use in a temperate forest woodland-grassland mosaic on the Southern Tablelands, New South Wales
Cunninghamia (2022) 22: 027–044
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2022.003
Brian Towle, Lucinda Ransom, Daniel Pesu, Michael Price and Ben Brown
Cunninghamia (2022) 22: 045–052
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2022.004
Madeline S. Newbery, Laurie A. Chisholm and Katarina M. Mikac
Recruitment and mortality of the fire sensitive Eucalyptus fraxinoides after the 2019-20 wildfires, Monga National Park, southern New South Wales
Cunninghamia (2022) 22: 053–058
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2022.22.005
Paul R. Sheringham
Survey and demographics of Homoranthus floydii (Myrtaceae), including conservation assessment and comparison with other rare or threatened of the Clarence Sandstones Subregion
Cunninghamia (2022) 22: 059–069
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2022.006
V.J. Neldner and E.P. Addicott
Cunninghamia (2022) 22: 071–087
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2022.22.007
Volume 21 - 2021
David Coleby and Rae Druitt
Cunninghamia (2021) 21: 001– 010
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2021.001
Kevin Mills
Cunninghamia (2021) 21: 011–015
doi : 10.7751/cunninghamia.2021.002
P.Sheringham, L.M.Copeland, R.Gray and K.Dijkstra
Cunninghamia (2021) 21: 017–026
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2021.003
Stephen A.J.Bell
Cunninghamia (2021) 21: 027–082
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2021.004
Volume 20 - 2020
J. Leslie Dowe
Cunninghamia (2020) 20: 001–033
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2020.20.001
Paul Sheringham, Peter Richards, Phil Gilmour, Jill Smith and Ernst Kemmerer
Cunninghamia (2020) 20: 035–098
Barry Hicks and Todd F. Elliott
A simple method to collect viable rainforest tree seeds and study the frugivorous diet of satin bowerbirds (Ptilonorhynchus violaceus)
Cunninghamia (2020) 20: 099–104
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2020.20.003
Bonni Yare, Stephen Bell and Nigel Hunter
Cunninghamia (2020) 20: 105–113
Paul Foreman
Historic archives are critical for reconstructing the nature and distribution of lowland temperate grasslands in south–eastern Australia
Cunninghamia (2020) 20: 123–137
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2020.20.006
Steven L. Stephenson and Barbara C. Stephenson
Cunninghamia (2020) 20: 115-121
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2020.20.005
Julia Green, Scott Mooney* and Frank Hemmings
Cunninghamia (2020) (2020) 20: 139–152
doi 10.7751/cunninghamia.2020.20.007
Keith L McDougall & Edward CY Liew
Quantifying the distribution and threat of Phytophthora cinnamomi in New South Wales: implications for its management in natural vegetation
Cunninghamia (2020) 20: 153–181
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2020.20.008
Richard W. Medd
Cunninghamia (2020) 20: 183–192
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2020.20.009
Brian Towle, Kylie Coutts-McClelland and Stephen Deards
Cunninghamia (2020) 20: 193–198
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia. 2020.20.010
Stephen Bell and Paul Hillier
Targeted surveys of a poorly conserved threatened orchid (Pterostylis chaetophora) in Columbey National Park (Hunter Valley, NSW) reveal substantial populations and elucidate occupied habitat
Cunninghamia (2020) 20: 199–207
Geoff Williams
Aspects of the reproductive ecology of a south-east Australian
Avicennia marina mangrove community — flower visitors and
potential pollinators
Cunninghamia (2020) 20: 209–244
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2020.012
Dirk H.R. Spennemann
Canary Island date palms, Phoenix canariensis, invading a remnant
riverine eucalypt forest in south-eastern Australia: processes and
patterns of recruitment
Cunninghamia (2020) 20: 245–257
doi 10.7751/cunninghamia.2020.20.013
Wendy A. Grimm, Peter H. Weston, Anthony Manea and Michelle R. Leishman
Population size, plant size and reproductive output in key populations of the endangered terrestrial orchid Genoplesium baueri in eastern New South Wales
Cunninghamia (2020) 20: 259–264
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2020.014
Wendy A. Grimm, Peter H. Weston, Anthony Manea and Michelle R. Leishman
Cunninghamia (2020) 20: 265–271
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2020.015
Volume 19 - 2019
Manea A., Winzer L.F & Leishman M. R.
Cunninghamia (2019) 19: 001-006
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2019.19.001
Bell S. A.J.,
Macrozamia flexuosa C. Moore (Zamiaceae): a review of distribution,
habitat and conservation status of an endemic cycad from the Hunter
Region of New South Wales
Cunninghamia (2019) 19: 007-027
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2019.19.002
Fulton G.R., & Milne J.
Cunninghamia (2019) 19: 029-042
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2019.19.003
Bell S. A J.,
Cunninghamia (2019) 19:043-056
Williams G., & Adam P.,
A Preliminary Checklist of Flower-visiting Insects from Syzygium floribundum, Syzygium smithii and Tristaniopsis laurina: three members of the Myrtle Rust-vulnerable plant family Myrtaceae.Flower-visiting Insects on Myrtaceae
Cunninghamia (2019) 19:057-074
Mills K.
Cunninghamia (2019) 19:075-089
Wilmott L., Schlunke J., Renner M., Wait J., and Sommerville K.D.,
Cunninghamia (2019) 19:091-095
Hunter J.T. & Hewlett Hunter V.,
Cunninghamia (2019) 19: 097-106
Mills K.,
Cunninghamia (2019) 19: 107-111
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2019.19.009
Spennemann D.,
Cunninghamia (2019) 19: 113–119
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia. 2019.19.010
Volume 18 - 2018
Baird, Ian R.C. & Benson, Doug
Hydrogeomorphology, floristics, classification and conservation values
of the little-known montane mires of the upper Cudgegong River
catchment, Central Tablelands, New South Wales
Cunninghamia (2018) 18: 001–021
Williams, Geoff
Insects associated with flowering of Rhodomyrtus psidioides (Myrtaceae):
Is this a Myrtle Rust (Austropuccinia psidii)-induced Plant-pollinator
interaction Extinction Event?
Cunninghamia (2018) 18: 023-027
Addicott, Eda; Newton, Mark; Laurance, Susan; Neldner, John; Laidlaw, Melinda; & Butler, Don
A new classification of savanna plant communities on the igneous rock lowlands and Tertiary sandy plain landscapes of Cape York Peninsula bioregion
Cunninghamia (2018) 18: 029-072
Smith, Judy; Smith Peter & Benson, Doug
Angophora subvelutina (Myrtaceae) on atypical diatreme habitat at Glenbrook: an addition to the eucalypt list for the Greater Blue Bountains World Heritage Area.
Cunninghamia (2018) 18: 073-078
Bell, Stephen A.J.
Cunninghamia (2018) 18: 079-088
Nathan J, Emery and Catherine A., Offord
Cunninghamia (2018) 18: 089–107
Spenneman, Dirk H.R.
Cunninghamia (2018) 18: 109-122
Gufu, G.D. and Leishman, M.R.
Cunninghamia (2018) 18:123-133
Volume 17 - 2017
P. Wellman
Cunninghamia (2017) 17: 1-13
Jennifer C. Sanger and Jamie B. Kirkpatrick
Patterns of morphological and physiological traits of epiphytes within
trees and between elevations in subtropical Australian rainforest
Cunninghamia (2017) 17: 15-25
J.T. Hunter
Cunninghamia (2017) 17:27-34
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2017.17.003
Kevin Mills
Cunninghamia (2017) 17:35-38
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2017.17.004
Volume 16 - 2016
K. Green
Dieback of Nematolepis ovatifolia (Rutaceae), an endemic shrub in the alpine- subalpine heaths of the Snowy Mountains, is facilitated by climate change.
Cunninghamia (2016) 16: 1-9
Manu E. Saunders
An observation of adult parasitic wasps (Diapriidae sp.) visiting Melichrus urceolatus (Ericaceae) flowers in an endangered woodland remnant.
Cunninghamia (2016) 16: 11-14
Stephen Bell and Colin Driscoll
Cunninghamia (2016) 16: 15–30
doi 10.7751/cunninghamia.2016.16.003
Mark Tozer*1 and Anita Chalmers2
Hunter Valley Weeping Myall Woodland in the Sydney Basin Bioregion
should remain listed as a Threatened Ecological Community until strong
evidence emerges in support of delisting.
Cunninghamia (2016): 31-34
doi 10.7751/cunninghamia.2016.16.004
David Coleby
Cunninghamia (2016) 16: 35-44
doi 10.7751/cunninghamia.2016.16.005
John T. Hunter and Vanessa H. Hunter
Cunninghamia (2016) 16: 45-49
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2016.16.006
Graham R. Fulton
Cunninghamia (2016) 16: 51-63
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2016.16.007
John T. Hunter & Vanessa H. Hunter
Cunninghamia (2016) 16: 65-100
Peter Wellman
Cunninghamia (2016) 16: 101–114
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2016.16.009
Volume 15 - 2015
F. Coates
Cunninghamia (2015) 15: 1-11
doi 10.7751/cunninghamia.2015.15.001
M.D. Doherty, G. Wright and K.L. McDougall
Cunninghamia (2015) 15: 13-68
doi 10.7751/cunninghamia.2015.15.002
J. Lambert, G. Lambert and B. Pellow
Cunninghamia (2015) 15: 69-78
doi 10.7751/cunninghamia.2015.15.003
H. Zimmer, P. Meagher, T. Auld, J. Plaza and C. Offord
Cunninghamia (2015) 15: 79-85
doi 10.7751/cunninghamia.2015.15.004
J.L. Dowe
I saw a good deal of the country much more than any other collector: An assessment of the botanical collections of Eugene Fitzalan (1830-1911)
Cunninghamia (2015) 15: 87-133
doi 10.7751/cunninghamia.2015.15.005
K. Mills
Cunninghamia (2015) 15: 135-142
doi 10.7751/cunninghamia.2015.15.006
P. Kodela
Cunninghamia (2015) 15: 143-151
doi 10.7751/cunninghamia.2015.15.007
P. Wellman
Cunninghamia (2015) 15: 153-162
B. Mackey, P. Jacobs and S. Hugh
Cunninghamia (2015) 15: 163–184
S. Harris, K. Ziegler and M. Dell
Cunninghamia (2015) 15: 163–184
M. Tozer and A. Chalmers
Cunninghamia (2015) 15: 201-204
Volume 14 - 2014
J. T. Hunter
Cunninghamia (2014) 14: 1-16
doi 10.7751/cunninghamia.2014.14.001
P.J. Myerscough and R.C. Carolin
Cunninghamia (2014) 14: 17-53
doi 10.7751/cunninghamia.2014.14.002
D. Coleby
Cunninghamia (2014) 14: 55-61
J. Shepherd and V. Keyzer
Ecology of Eucalyptus aquatica (Myrtaceae), a restricted eucalypt confined to montane swamp (fen) habitat in south-eastern Australia.
Cunninghamia (2014) 14: 63-76
V.J. Neldner
Cunninghamia (2014) 14: 77-87
P.G. Kodela, P. Adam and B.M. Wiecek
Cunninghamia (2014) 14: 89-95
P. Smith and J. Smith
Cunninghamia (2014) 14: 97-151
Peter Rose
Cunninghamia (2014) 14: 153–178
S. Bell and C. Driscoll
Acacia pendula (Weeping Myall) in the Hunter Valley of New South Wales: early explorers’ journals, database records and habitat assessments raise doubts over naturally occurring populations.
Cunninghamia 14:(2014) 179–200
doi 10.7751/cunninghamia.2014.14.009
Robert Payne
Cunninghamia (2014) 14: 203–213
doi 10.7751/cunninghamia.2014.14.010
Volume 13 - 2013
R. J. Peacock, A. Downing, P. Brownsey and D. Cameron
Distribution, habitat preferences and population sizes of two threatened tree ferns, Cyathea cunninghamii and Cyathea x marcescens, in south-eastern Australia.
Cunninghamia (2013) 13(1):1-24
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2013.13.001
A. Hewitt
Cunninghamia (2013) 13(1): 25-124.
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2013.13.002
R.C. Armstrong, K.D. Turner, K.L. McDougall, R. Rehwinkel and J.I. Crooks
Cunninghamia (2013) 13(1): 125-265.
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2013.13.003
R. F. Parsons
Cunninghamia (2013) 13: 267-274.
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2013.004
Roger D. Cousens, Peter K. Ades, Mohsen B. Mesgaran and Sara Ohadi
Cunninghamia (2013) 13: 275-290.
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2013.005
Kevin Mills
Cunninghamia (2013) 13: 291-294.
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2013.006
F. Erskine, A. Chalmers and W. Erskine
Cunninghamia (2013) 13: 295-304.
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2013.007
M. Fallding and D. Benson
Cunninghamia (2013) 13: 305-330.
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2013.008
J.T. Hunter
Cunninghamia (2013) 13: 331-335
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2013.009
J.R. Hosking, M. Schroder and B. McCorkell
Impact of broom, Cytisus scoparius (Fabaceae), in naturally treeless sub-alpine frost-hollow vegetation communities at the Barrington Tops, south-eastern Australia.
Cunninghamia 13: 337-351.
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2013.010
Volume 12 - 2012
Robert Kooyman, Maurizio Rossetto & Shawn Laffan
Cunninghamia (2012) 12(3): 177-180.
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2012.12.014
Dorothy M. Bell, John T. Hunter & Lisa Montgomery
Cunninghamia (2012) 12(3): 181-190.
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2012.12.015
Robert Payne, Anita Chalmer & John Laxton
Understanding the characteristics of a groundwater-dependent ecosystem: Eucalyptus parramattensis Woodland at Porters Creek Wetland, NSW.
Cunninghamia (2012) 12(3): 191-211.
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2012.12.016
Steve J Sinclair & Keshia Atchison
Cunninghamia (2012) 12(3): 213-227.
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2012.12.017
Doug Benson
Cunninghamia (2012) 12(3): 229-238.
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2012.12.018
R. F. Parsons
Cunninghamia (2012) 12(4) 239-246.
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2012.12.019
O. Maguire, R.C. Armstrong, J.S. Benson, R. Streeter, C. Paterson, P. McDonald, N. Salter, M. East, M. Webster M. Sheahan, and D Young
Cunninghamia (2012) 12(4) 247-266.
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2012.12.020
Folder 1 NSW VCA Plant community groups:
Arid Shrublands, Dry Sclerophyll Forest, Forested Wetlands, Freshwater Wetlands, Grasslands, Grassy Woodlands, Semi-arid Woodlands, Wet Sclerophyll Forests
Folder 2 Vegetation maps:
Doug Benson and Ian R. C. Baird
Cunninghamia (2012) 12(4) 267-307.
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2012.12.021
Damian R. Michael and David B. Lindenmayer
Cunninghamia (2012) 12(4) 309-323.
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2012.12.022
Kevin Mills
The conservation reserve system in the South Coast Region of NSW looks impressive, but does it adequately conserve threatened plant species?
Cunninghamia (2012) 12(4): 325-337.
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2012.12.023
M. Westbrooke, S. Gowans and M. Gibson
Cunninghamia (2012) 12(4): 339-361.
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2012.12.024
Fiona Coates and Arn Tolsma
Cunninghamia (2012) 12(4): 363-383.
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2012.12.025
Margaret A. Wheeler
Cunninghamia (2012) 12(4): 385-388.
doi: 10.7751/cunninghamia.2012.12.026
Volume 12 - 2011
I.R.K. Sluiter and K.R Sluiter
Cunninghamia (2011) 12(1): 1-5.
M. Westbrooke, S. Gowans and M. Gibson
Cunninghamia (2011) 12(1): 7-27.
R.J. Williams, C.B. Allen and J. Kelleway
Saltmarsh of the Parramatta River-Sydney Harbour: determination of cover and species composition including comparison of API and pedestrian survey.
Cunninghamia (2011) 12(1): 29-43.
K. A. Johnson and P. B. McQuillan
Cunninghamia (2011) 12(1): 45-51.
W. Morgan and C. Nield
Cunninghamia (2011) 12(1): 53 - 60.
D. Benson
Cunninghamia (2011) 12 (1): 61 - 84.
J.R. Hosking, B. J. Conn, B. J. Lepschi and C. H. Barker
Cunninghamia (2011) 12 (1): 85-114.
John T. Hunter
Cunninghamia (2011) 12(1): 115.
Michael D. Doherty, Geoffrey Robertson, Danny Corcoran, and Genevieve Wright
Cool Temperate Rainforest in the Pilot Wilderness Area, Kosciuszko National Park, New South Wales:
Cunninghamia (2011) 12(2): 119.
Diane Warman and Doug Beckers
Cunninghamia (2011) 12(2): 129.
Tony D. Auld, Sue Bower and Ian Hutton
Cunninghamia (2011) 12(2): 137-142.
Stephen A.J. Bell and Mark Stables
Cunninghamia (2012) 12(2): 143-152.
Steve Sinclair and Paul Boon
Cunninghamia (2102)12 (2): 153-176.
Volume 11 - 2010
R.F. Parsons (2010)
Cunninghamia 11(3): 277-281.
Doug Benson & Lotte von Richter (2010)
Recent ecological observations on growth rates and seed production in Isopogon rostratus (Proteaceae), a little-known prostrate shrub from south-eastern NSW and Victoria.
Cunninghamia 11(3): 283-286.
Doug Beckers and Catherine A. Offord (2010)
Cunninghamia 11(3): 287-293.
Robert Payne, Ross Wellington and Michael Somervill (2010)
Cunninghamia 11(3): 295-317.
S. McIntyre, J. Stol, J. Harvey, A. O. Nicholls, M. Campbell, A. Reid, A. D. Manning and D. Lindenmayer (2010)
Biomass and floristic patterns in the ground layer vegetation of box-gum grassy eucalypt woodland in Goorooyarroo and Mulligans Flat Nature Reserves, Australian Capital Territory.
Cunninghamia 11(3): 319-357.
M.G. Tozer, K. Turner, D.A. Keith, D. Tindall, C. Pennay, C.Simpson, B. MacKenzie, P. Beukers and S. Co (2010)
Cunninghamia 11(3): 359-406.
Map | Appendix |
Araluen (PDF)(7.22 MB) | Appendix 1 (PDF)(55.82 KB) |
Batemans Bay (PDF)(3.5 MB) | Appendix 2 (PDF)(116.33 KB) |
Braidwood (PDF)(6.19 MB) | Appendix 3A (PDF)(10.52 MB) |
Burragorang (PDF)(5.25 MB) | Appendix 3B (PDF)(11.42 MB) |
Goulburn (PDF)(7.55 MB) | Appendix 3C (PDF)(7.1 MB) |
Jervis Bay (PDF)(1.23 MB) | Appendix 3D (PDF)(6.87 MB) |
Katoomba (PDF)(7 MB) | Appendix 3E (PDF)(6.23 MB) |
Kiama (PDF)(3.48 MB) | Appendix 3F (PDF)(8.17 MB) |
Moss Vale (PDF)(4.52 MB) | Appendix 4 (PDF)(112.15 KB) |
Penrith (PDF)(6.01 MB) | Appendix 5 (PDF)(107.2 KB) |
Port Hacking (PDF)(907 KB) | Appendix 6 (PDF)(86.49 KB) |
Sydney (PDF)(3.97 MB) | |
Taralga (PDF)(6.14 MB) | |
Ulladulla (PDF)(4.8 MB) | |
Wollongong (PDF)(5.67 MB) | |
Vegetation Southeast Australia (PDF) (27MB) |
Kevin Mills (2010)
Cunninghamia 11(4): 409-412.
R.F. Parsons and Tatia M.Zubrinich (2010)
Cunninghamia 11(4): 415-418.
I.R.K. Sluiter (2010)
Cunninghamia 11(4): 419-424.
Tim Hager and Doug Benson (2010)
The Eucalypts of Greater Blue Mountains World Heritage Area: distribution, classification and habitats of the species of Eucalyptus, Angophora and Corymbia (family Myrtaceae) recorded in its eight conservation reserves.
Cunninghamia 11(4): 425-444.
Claire Moxham, Vivienne Turner, Gidja Walker and Imelda Douglas (2010)
Cunninghamia 11(4): 445-456.
J.S. Benson, P.G. Richards, S. Waller and C.B. Allen (2010)
New South Wales Vegetation classification and Assessment: Part 3 Plant communities of the 457 NSW Brigalow Belt South, Nandewar and west New England Bioregions and update of NSW Western Plains and South-western Slopes plant communities, Version 3 of the NSWVCA database.
Cunninghamia 11(4): 457-579.
Volume 11 - 2009
Petrus C. Heyligers (2009)
Formation of, and succession on, Atriplex cinerea-induced dune ridges in the Entrance Point Scientific Reference Area, Wilsons Promontory National Park, Victoria.
Cunninghamia 11(1): 1-26.
Claire Moxham, Steve Sinclair, Gidja Walker and Imelda Douglas (2009)
Cunninghamia 11(1): 27-47.
John T. Hunter and Dorothy Bell (2009)
Cunninghamia 11(1): 49-64
Cathy M.Waters, Gavin Melville and Surrey Jacobs (2009)
Association of five Austrodanthonia species (family Poaceae) with large and small scale environmental features in central western New South Wales.
Cunninghamia 11(1): 65-80.W.S.
Semple, M.O. Rankin, I.A. Cole and T.B. Koen (2009)
Cunninghamia 11(1): 81-96.
George N. Batianoff, Gillian C. Naylor, Hans A. Dillewaard and V. John Neldner (2009)
Cunninghamia 11(1): 97-106.
George N. Batianoff, Gillian C. Naylor, John Olds and V. John Neldner (2009)
Distribution patterns, weed incursions and origins of terrestrial flora at the Capricorn-Bunker Islands, Great Barrier Reef, Australia.
Cunninghamia 11(1): 107-121.
Stephen Harris, Justine Shaw and Nepelle Crane (2009)
Cunninghamia 11(1): 123-130.
P.J.Kubiak (2009)
Cunninghamia 11(1): 131-165.
Peter Coyne (2009)
Cunninghamia11(2): 167-170.
Kevin Mills (2009)
Cunninghamia 11(2): 171-175.
R.F. Parsons and N. Gibson (2009)
Cunninghamia 11(2): 177-184.
Geoff Winning and Neil Saintilan (2009)
Cunninghamia 11(2): 185-194.
Doug Benson and Diana Picone (2009)
Cunninghamia 11(2): 195-202.
Amelia J. Martyn , Leahwyn U. Seed , Mark K.J. Ooi and Catherine A. Offord (2009)
Cunninghamia 11(2): 203-212.
A.M. Dimech, P.K. Ades, P.W.J. Taylor, R. Cross and R. Ford (2009)
Cunninghamia 11(2): 213-219.
Peter J. Clarke, Kirsten J.E. Knox, Monica L. Campbell and Lachlan M. Copeland (2009)
Cunninghamia 11(2): 221-239.
Stephen A.J. Bell (2009)
Cunninghamia 11(2): 241-271.
Volume 10 - 2008
Petrus C. Heyligers (2008),
Cunninghamia (2008) 10(3): 493-511
Bell, Hunter & Haworth (2008)
Cunninghamia (2008) 10(3): 475-492
Hunter & Sheringham (2008)
Cunninghamia (2008) 10(3): 439-474
Skull & Condon (2008)
Cunninghamia (2008) 10(3): 423-438
Lang (2008)
Cunnighamia (2008) 10(3): 407-421
Curran, Clarke and Bruhl (2008)
Cunninghamia (2008) 10(3): 381-405
Binns & Meek (2008)
Cunninghamia (2008) 10(3): 373-380
Stephen Bell (2008)
Cunninghamia 2008 10(3): 331-371
J.S. Benson (2008)
Cunninghamia (2008) 10(4): 599-673
Griffith & Wilson (2008)
Cunninghamia (2008) 10(4): 569-598
Lewis et al (2008)
Cunninghamia 10(4): 557-567
Penman et al (2008)
Cunninghamia (2008) 10(4): 547-555
Hutton et al (2008)
Cunninghamia (2008) 10(4): 539-545
Butler & Fensham (2008)
Cunninghamia (2008) 10(4): 521-538
Neldner & Butler (2008)
Cunninghamia (2008) 10(4): 513-519
Volume 10 - 2007
Keith L. McDougall and Neville G. Walsh (2007)
Cunninghamia 10(1): 1-57.
J. M. Shannon and J. W. Morgan (2007)
Cunninghamia 10(1): 59-76.
John T. Hunter and Dorothy Bell (2007)
Cunninghamia 10(1): 77-92.
S. J. Griffith and R. Wilson (2007)
Cunninghamia 10(1): 93-111.
Doug Benson and Georgina Eldershaw (2007)
Backdrop to encounter: the 1770 landscape of Botany Bay, the plants collected by Banks and Solander and rehabilitation of natural vegetation at Kurnell.
Cunninghamia 10(1): 113-137.
John R. Hosking, Barry J. Conn, Brendan J. Lepschi and Clive H. Barker (2007)
Plant species first recognised as naturalised for New South Wales in 2002 and 2003, with additional comments on species recognised as naturalised in 2000–2001.
Cunninghamia 10(1): 139-166.
Petrus C. Heyligers (2007)
Cunninghamia 10(2): 167-188.
David J. Eldridge, Terry B. Koen and Louise Harrison (2007)
Cunninghamia 10(2): 189-198.
M.O. Rankin, W.S Semple, B.W. Murphy and T.B. Koen (2007)
Cunninghamia 10(2): 199-214.
John T. Hunter (2007)
Cunninghamia 10(2): 215-224.
A. J. Downing, E. A. Brown, R. J. Oldfield, P. M. Selkirk and R. Coveny (2007)
Cunninghamia 10(2): 225-254.
J. Benson and C. Allen (2007)
Cunninghamia 10(2): 255-262.
Jackie Miles and Stuart Cameron (2007)
Cunninghamia 10(2): 263-272.
R. J. Fensham, J. Silcock and A. Biggs (2007)
Cunninghamia 10(2): 273-284.
J. E. Kemp, R. J., Lovatt, J. C. Bahr, C. P. Kahler and C. N. Appelman (2007)
Cunninghamia 10(2): 285.
Volume 9 - 2006
Fensham, R. J., A.R. Bean, J. L. Dowe and C. R. Dunlop (2006)
This disastrous event staggered me: Reconstructing the botany of Ludwig Leichhardt on the expedition from Moreton Bay to Port Essington, 1844-45.
Cunninghamia 9(4): 451-506.
Stone, Christine and Jack A. Simpson (2006)
Cunninghamia 9(4): 507-520.
Cummings, Jason, Michelle Martin and Anne Rogers (2006)
Cunninghamia 9(4): 521-527.
Tremblay, Raymond (2006)
The effect of population structure, plant size, herbivory and reproductive potential on effective population size in the temperate epiphytic orchid, Sarcochilus australis.
Cunninghamia 9(4): 529-535.
Coleby, David (2006)
Cunninghamia 9(4): 537-544.
Cuneo, Peter and Michelle R. Leishman (2006)
Cunninghamia 9(4): 545-557.
Bear, R., W. Hill, W. and C.M.Pickering (2006)
Cunninghamia 9(4): 559-570.
Heyligers, Petrus (2006)
Cunninghamia 9(4): 571-595.
Volume 9 - 2005
Peter H. Weston, Andrew J. Perkins and Timothy J. Entwisle (2005)
Cunninghamia 9(1): 1-15
Benson, Doug and Lyn McDougall (2005)
Cunninghamia 9(1): 16-212.
Carta, Francesca E. and R.F. Parsons (2005)
Cunninghamia 9(1): 215-218.
Nicholas James Holman Gellie (2005)
Cunninghamia 9(2): 219-253
John T. Hunter (2005)
Cunninghamia 9(2): 255-274.
John T. Hunter (2005)
Cunninghamia 9(2): 275-284.
Moira C.Williams and Glenda M. Wardle (2005)
Cunninghamia 9(2): 285-294.
Mike Macphail and Mary Casey (2005)
Bridging a biogeographic Œgap¹: microfossil evidence for the quillwort Isoetes on the Cumberland Plain west of Sydney during the early Colonial period.
Cunninghamia 9(2): 295-305.
Lachlan M. Copeland and John T. Hunter (2005)
Range extension, habitat and conservation status of three rare mallees, Eucalyptus castrensis, Eucalyptus fracta and Eucalyptus pumila from the Hunter Valley, NSW.
Cunninghamia 9(2): 307-309.
Timothy J. Curran and Sandra R. Curran (2005)
Cunninghamia 9(2): 311-316.
John T. Hunter (2005)
Cunninghamia 9(2): 317-323.
Ross L. Goldingay (2005)
Cunninghamia 9(2): 324-328.
(2006) Foreword.
J.S. Benson (2006)
New South Wales Vegetation Classification and Assessment: Introduction — the classification, database, assessment of protected areas and threat status of plant communities.
Cunninghamia 9(3): 331-381.
J.S. Benson, C.B. Allen, C. Togher and J. Lemmon (2006)
Cunninghamia 9(3): 383-450.
Volume 8 - 2004
Heyligers, Petrus C. & Laurie G. Adams (2004)
Cunninghamia 8(3): 285-305.
Prober, Suzanne M. & K.R. Thiele (2004)
Cunninghamia 8(3): 306-325.
Morgan, John W. (2004)
Cunninghamia 8(3): 326-330.
Bell, Stephen A.J. (2004)
Cunninghamia 8(3): 331-347.
Knox, Kirsten J.E. & Peter Clarke (2004)
Cunninghamia 8(3): 348-353.
Downey, Paul Owen (2004)
Cunninghamia 8(3): 354-361.
McCarthy, Peter, Clarke, Peter & Jeremy Bruhl (2004)
Cunninghamia 8(3): 362-370.
Ramsay, Helen P. & Andi Cairns (2004)
Cunninghamia 8(3): 371-408.
Daley E.A. and J.B. Kirkpatrick (2004)
Cunninghamia 8(4): 409-430
Matthew Fraser, Dianne Simmons and Robyn Adams (2004)
Cunninghamia 8(4): 431-438.
Neville G. Walsh and Keith L. McDougall (2004)
Cunninghamia 8(4): 439-452.
John T. Hunter (2004)
Cunninghamia 8(4): 453-466.
Stephen Clark, Claire deLacey and Steven Chamberlain (2004)
Using environmental variables and multivariate analysis to delineate preferred habitat for Cryptostylis hunteriana, the Leafless Tongue Orchid in the Shoalhaven Local Government Area, NSW.
Cunninghamia 8(4): 467-476.
Stephen A.J. Bell (2004)
Cunninghamia 8(4): 477-484.
John W. Morgan (2004)
Cunninghamia 8(4): 485-489.
Tony D. Auld and Ian Hutton (2004)
Cunninghamia 8(4): 490-500.
Alexander B. Pollock, Don W. Butler and Robert J. Price (2004)
Cunninghamia 8(4): 501-513.
G.E. Burrows (2004)
Cunninghamia 8(4): 514-520.
Volume 8 - 2003
Tozer, Mark (2003)
Cunninghamia 8(1): 1-75 #.
Semple, W.S. & T.B. Koen (2003)
Cunninghamia 8(1): 76-84.
Brewer, Ilma M. & Robert J. Whelan (2003)
Cunninghamia 8(1): 85-92.
Hunter, John T. & Vanessa H. Hunter (2003)
Cunninghamia 8(1): 93-110.
Westbrooke, M., J. Leversha, M. Gibson, M. O’Keefe, R. Milne, S. Gowans, C. Harding, & K. Callister (2003)
Cunninghamia 8(1): 111-128 #.
Offord, Cathy, Mishy McKensy, Julie Brien, Graeme Errington & Peter Cuneo (2003)
Cunninghamia 8(1): 129-132.
Driscoll, Colin (2003)
Cunninghamia 8(1): 133-140.
Williams, Geoff & Ken Walker (2003)
Cunninghamia 8(1): 141-146.
Auld, Bruce, Hirohiko Morita, Tomoko Nishida, Misako Ito & Peter Michael (2003)
Cunninghamia 8(1): 147-152.
Howell, Jocelyn (2003)
Cunninghamia 8(1): 153-155.
Goldingay, Ross & Michiala Bowen (2003)
Cunninghamia 8(2): 157-161.
Whinam, J., N.M. Chilcott & J.W. Morgan (2003)
Cunninghamia 8(2): 162-174.
Hosking, John R., Barry J. Conn & Brendan J. Lepschi (2003)
Cunninghamia 8(2): 175-187.
Hunter, John T. (2003)
Cunninghamia 8(2): 188-201.
Griffith, S.J., C. Bale, P. Adam, & R. Wilson (2003)
Cunninghamia 8(2): 202-252.
Metcalfe, L., D.P. Sivertsen, D. Tindall & K.M. Ryan (2003)
Cunninghamia 8(2): 253-284.
Volume 7 - 2002
Whinam, J. & Chilcott, N. (2002)
Cunninghamia 7(3): 463-500.
Hunter, J.T. (2002)
Cunninghamia 7(3): 501-526.
Downing, A., Oldfield, R. & Fairbairn-Wilson, E. (2002)
Cunninghamia 7(3): 527-537.
Hunter, J.T. & Harrison, K. (2002)
Cunninghamia 7(3): 539-562.
Heyligers, P.C. (2002)
Cunninghamia 7(3): 563-578.
Cohn, J.S., Bradstock, R.A. & Burke, S.
Cunninghamia 7(3): 579-600.
McDougall, K.L. & Walsh, N.G.
Cunninghamia 7(3): 601-610.
- re Cunninghamia 7(2) p. 193: 611.
Robert Brown Conference Papers
Mabberley, D. (2002)
Cunninghamia 7(4): 613-615.
Webb, J.B. (2002)
Cunninghamia 7(4): 617-621.
Groves, R.H. (2002)
Cunninghamia 7(4): 623-629
Benson, D. & Howell, J. (2002)
Cunninghamia 7(4): 631-650.
Adam, P. (2002)
Cunninghamia 7(4): 651-669.
Other papers
Hunter, J.T. (2002)
Cunninghamia 7(4): 671-681.
Arnold, C. & Rossetto, M. (2002)
Cunninghamia 7(4): 683-693.
Benson, D. & McDougall, L. (2002)
Cunninghamia 7(4): 695-930.
Volume 7 - 2001
Westbrooke, M.E., Kerr, M.K.C. and Leversha, J. (2001)
Cunninghamia 7(1): 1-26.
Auld, T.D. and Denham, A.J. (2001)
Cunninghamia 7(1): 27-42.
McGann, T.D., Kingswood, R. and Bell, D. (2001)
Cunninghamia 7(1): 43-64.
Burrows, G.E. (2001)
Cunninghamia 7(1): 65-76.
Bell, S.J. (2001)
Cunninghamia 7(1): 77-88.
Adam, P. and Williams, G. (2001)
Cunninghamia 7(1): 89-100.
Cox, S.J., Sivertsen, D.P. and Bedward, M. (2001)
Cunninghamia 7(1): 101-155.
Morrison, D.A., Butt, L., Holland, D. & Westbury, A. (2001)
Cunninghamia 7(2): 157-172.
Lewis, J.A. (2001)
Cunninghamia 7(2): 173-182
Perry, D.A. (2001)
Cunninghamia 7(2): 183-194.
Bell, S.A.J. (2001)
Cunninghamia 7(2): 195-204.
von Richter, L., Azzopardi, A., Johnstone, R. & Offord, C. (2001)
Cunninghamia 7(2): 205-212.
Auld, T.D. (2001)
Cunninghamia 7(2): 213-240.
Benson, D. & McDougall, L. (2001)
Cunninghamia 7(2): 241-462.
Volume 6 - 2000
Zoete, T. (2000)
Cunninghamia 6(3): 511-578. See also Corrigendum, 6(4): 1203.
McLoughlin, L.C. (2000)
Cunninghamia 6(3): 579-610.
Clements, A., Rodd, T., Moore, R.J., Crane, A.G. & Simpson, J. (2000)
Cunninghamia 6(3): 611-644.
Griffith, S.J., Wilson, R. & Maryott-Brown, K. (2000)
Cunninghamia 6(3): 645-716. #
Stafford, M.J. & Eldridge, D.J. (2000)
Cunninghamia 6(3): 717-746.
Benson, J.S. & Ashby, E.M. (2000)
Cunninghamia 6(3): 747-872. #
Mokany, K. & Adam, P. (2000)
Cunninghamia 6(4): 873-892.
French, K., Pellow, B. & Henderson, M. (2000)
Cunninghamia 6(4): 893-939. #
Cadzow, B. & Carthew, S.M. (2000)
Cunninghamia 6(4): 941-950.
Myerscough, P.J., Whelan, R.J. & Bradstock, R..A. (2000)
Cunninghamia 6(4): 951-1015.
Benson, D. & McDougall, L. (2000)
Cunninghamia 6(4): 1017-1202.
Cunninghamia 6(4): 1023.
Volume 6 - 1999
Keith, D.A. & Bedward, M. (1999)
Native vegetation of the South East Forests region, Eden, New South Wales.
Cunninghamia 6(1): 1-218. #
Keith, D.A., Miles, J. & Mackenzie, D.E. (1999)
Vascular Flora of the South East Forests region, Eden, New South Wales.
Cunninghamia 6(1): 219-281.
Burrows, G.E. (1999)
A survey of 25 remnant vegetation sites in the South Western Slopes, New South Wales.
Cunninghamia 6(2): 283-314.
Heyligers, P.C. (1999)
Cunninghamia 6(2): 315-330.
Hunter, J.T., Wyatt, A., Hofmeyer, D., Brown, L., Barkwell, N. & Beresford-Smith, N.J. (1999)
Vegetation and floristics of the Demon Nature Reserve, Tenterfield, New South Wales.
Cunninghamia 6(2): 331-350.
Hunter, J.T., Kingston, J. & Croft, P. (1999)
Vegetation and floristics of Kwiambal National Park and surrounds, Ashford, New South Wales.
Cunninghamia 6(2): 351-378.
Short Communication
Steenbeeke, G. (1999)
Cunninghamia 6(2): 379-382.
Short Communication
Bean, J.M. (1999)
Cunninghamia 6(2): 383-388.
Short Communication
Hunter, J.T. & White, M. (1999)
Notes on the distribution and conservation status of Eucalyptus cannonii R.T Baker.
Cunninghamia 6(2): 389-394.
Short Communication
Copeland, L.M. & Hunter, J.T. (1999)
Cunninghamia 6(2): 395-401.
Short Communication
Benson, D. & McDougall, L. (1999)
Ecology of Sydney plant species Part 7a: Dicotyledon families Nyctaginaceae to Primulaceae.
Cunninghamia 6(2): 402-509.
Volume 5 - 1998
RL Fensham and JE Holman (1998)
The vegetation of a mesa plateau in central Queensland.
Cunninghamia 5 (3): 619-631
Hunter, J. T. & Clarke, P.J. (1998)
The vegetation of granitic outcrop communities on the New England Batholith of eastern Australia.
Cunninghamia 5(3): 547-618.
Fensham, R.J. & Holman, J.E. (1998)
The vegetation of a mesa plateau in central Queensland.
Cunninghamia 5(3): 619-632.
Payne, R. & Harty, C. (1998)
Wetland vegetation mapping using a Global Positioning System.
Cunninghamia 5(3): 633-644.
Heyligers, P.C. (1998)
Cunninghamia 5(3): 645-664.
Westbrooke, M.E., Miller, J.D. & Kerr, M.K.C. (1998)
The vegetation of the Scotia 1:100 000 map sheet, western New South Wales.
Cunninghamia 5(3): 665-684. #
Downey, P.O. (1998)
Cunninghamia 5(3): 685-720.
Hosking, J.R. & James, T.A. (1998)
Cunninghamia 5(3) : 721-766.
Williams, G. (1998)
Bee pollination in the threatened Australian shrub Senna acclinis (Caesalpinioideae).
Cunninghamia 5(3):767-772.
Short communication
Mallinson, D. et al. (1998)
Ecology and conservation status of Muehlenbeckia tuggeranong (Polygonaceae) near Canberra.
Cunninghamia 5(3) : 773-778.
Myerscough, P.J. (1998)
Ecology of Myrtaceae with special reference to the Sydney region.
Cunninghamia 5(4): 787-807.
Benson, D. & McDougall, L. (1998)
Ecology of Sydney plant species Part 6: Dicotyledon family Myrtaceae.
Cunninghamia 5(4): 808-987.
Volume 5 - 1997
Benson, J.S., Ashby, E.M. & Porteners, M.F. (1997)
The native grasslands of the Riverine Plain, New South Wales.
Cunninghamia 5(1): 1-48.
Semple, W.S. (1997)
Native and naturalised shrubs of the Bathurst Granites: past and present.
Cunninghamia 5(1): 49-80.
de Jong, N.H. (1997)
Cunninghamia 5 (1): 81-128.
Westbrooke, M.E., Miller, J.D. & Kerr, M.K. (1997)
Vegetation and flora of Nearie Lake Nature Reserve, far western New South Wales.
Cunninghamia 5(1): 129-137.
Porteners, M.F., Ashby, E.M. & Benson, J.S. (1997)
The natural vegetation of the Pooncarie 1:250 000 map.
Cunninghamia 5(1): 139-231. #
Binns, D.L. (1997)
Floristics and vegetation patterns of Coolah Tops, New South Wales.
Cunninghamia 5(1): 233-274.
Short communication
Richards, P.G. & Hunter, J.T. (1997)
Range extensions for several restricted plant species, Northern Tablelands, New South Wales.
Cunninghamia 5(1): 275-279.
Short communication
Pfeil, B. (1997)
Cunninghamia 5(1): 281-284.
Short communication
Benson, J.S. & Redpath, P.A. (1997)
Cunninghamia 5(2): 285-328.
Benson, D. & McDougall, L. (1997)
Ecology of Sydney plant species part 5: Dicotyledon families Flacourtiaceae to Myrsinaceae.
Cunninghamia 5(2): 330-544.
Volume 4 - 1996
Ryan, K., Fisher, M. & Schaeper, L. (1996)
The natural vegetation of the St Albans 1:100 000 map sheet.
Cunninghamia 4(3): 433-482. (includes 1:100 000 map) #
Fensham, R.J. (1996)
The floristics and structure of dry rainforest at Forty Mile Scrub National Park, north Queensland.
Cunninghamia 4(3): 483-495.
Benson, J.S., Dick, R. & Zubovic, A. (1996)
Semi-evergreen vine thicket vegetation at Derra Derra Ridge, Bingara, New South Wales.
Cunninghamia 4(3): 497-510.
Fensham, R.J. & Fairfax, R.J. (1996)
Cunninghamia 4(3): 511-523.
Kodela, P.G., James, T.A. & Hind, P.D. (1996)
Vegetation and flora of swamps on the Boyd Plateau, Central Tablelands, New South Wales.
Cunninghamia 4(3): 525-530.
Auld, T. D. (1996)
Ecology of the Fabaceae in the Sydney region: fire, ants and the soil seedbank.
Cunninghamia 4(4): 531-551.
Benson, D. & McDougall, L. (1996)
Ecology of Sydney plant species Part 4: Dicotyledon family Fabaceae.
Cunninghamia 4(4): 552-752.
Volume 4 - 1995
Bernhardt, P. (1995)
Notes on the anthecology of Pterostylis curta (Orchidaceae).
Cunninghamia 4(1): 1-8.
Bernhardt, P. (1995)
The floral ecology of Dianella caerulea var. assera (Phormiaceae).
Cunninghamia 4(1): 9-20.
Tremont, R.M. (1995)
Cunninghamia 4(1): 21-34.
Burrows, G.E. (1995)
Cunninghamia 4(1): 35-44.
Morrison, D.A., McCluskey, L. & Houstone, M.A. (1995)
Long-term revegetation of a denuded area in the Sydney region.
Cunninghamia 4(1): 45-62.
Westbrooke, M.E. & Miller, J.D. (1995)
Vegetation of Mungo National Park, western New South Wales.
Cunninghamia 4(1): 63-80. (includes one 1:100 000 map) #
Cohn, J.S. (1995)
The vegetation of Nombinnie and Round Hill Nature Reserves, central-western New South Wales.
Cunninghamia 4(1): 81-101. (includes one 1:100 000 map) #
Sivertsen, D. & Metcalfe, L. (1995)
Natural vegetation of the southern wheat-belt (Forbes and Cargelligo 1:250 000 map sheets).
Cunninghamia 4(1): 103-128. (includes two 1:250 000 maps) #
Downing, A.J., Oldfield, R.J. & Selkirk, P.M. (1995)
Bryophytes in the vicinity of Wombeyan Caves, New South Wales.
Cunninghamia 4(1): 129-141
Fisher, M., Ryan, K. & Lembit, R. (1995)
The natural vegetation of the Burragorang 1:100 000 map sheet.
Cunninghamia 4(2): 143-215 (includes 1:100 000 map) #
Benson, D. & McDougall, L. (1995)
Ecology of Sydney plant species Part 3: Dicotyledon families Cabombaceae to Eupomatiaceae.
Cunninghamia 4(2): 217-431.
Volume 3 - 1994
Pickard, J. & Norris, E.H. (1994)
Cunninghamia 3(3): 423-464. #
Turner, J.C. & Vernon, S.L. (1994)
Rainforest stands between Barrington Tops and the Hunter River, New South Wales.
Cunninghamia 3(3): 465-514.
James, T.A. (1994)
Observations on the effects of mowing on native species in remnant bushland, western Sydney.
Cunninghamia 3(3): 515-519.
Eldridge, D.J. & Bradstock, R.A. (1994)
Cunninghamia 3(3): 521-527.
Bale, C.L. & Williams, J.B. (1994)
Lost and found: Nothofagus moorei at Comboyne.
Cunninghamia 3(3): 529-533.
Kodela, P.G., James, T.A. & Hind, P.D. (1994)
Observations on the ecology and conservation status of the rare herb Gentiana wingecarribiensis.
Cunninghamiana 3(3): 535-541.
Keith, D. (1994)
Cunninghamia 3(3): 543-594. (includes 1:25 000 map) #
Semple, W.S. & Waterhouse, D. (1994)
Cunninghamia 3(3): 595-608.
Benson, J.S. (1994)
The native grasslands of the Monaro region: Southern Tablelands of NSW.
Cunninghamia 3(3): 609-650.
Benson, J.S. & Jacobs, S.W.L. (1994)
Plant communities of the Monaro lakes.
Cunninghamia 3(3): 651-676.
Benson, D. & Howell, J. (1994)
The natural vegetation of the Sydney 1:100 000 map sheet.
Cunninghamia 3(4): 677-787. (includes 1:100 000 map (Sydney) and 1:40 000 map (Ku-Ring-Gai Chase National Park and Muogamarra Nature Reserve). #
Benson, D. & McDougall, L. (1994)
Ecology of Sydney plant species Part 2: Dicotyledon families Asteraceae to Buddlejaceae.
Cunninghamia 3(4): 789-1004.
Volume 3 - 1993
Porteners, M.F. (1993)
The natural vegetation of the Hay Plain: Booligal-Hay and Deniliquin-Bendigo 1:250 000 maps.
Cunninghamia 3(1): 1-122. #
Benson, J.S. & Hager, T.C. (1993)
Cunninghamia 3(1): 123-145.
Payne, R.J. (1993)
Prediction of the habitat for Tetratheca juncea in the Munmorah area, near Wyong, New South Wales.
Cunninghamia 3(1): 147-154.
Benson, D.H. & Melrose, S.C. (1993)
Floristic lists of New South Wales (IV).
Cunninghamia 3(1): 167-213. [Current Floristic Lists of NSW, 2008]
Ramsay, H.P., Coveny, R.G., Brown, E.A. & Brooks, A.K. (1993)
Bryophytes of the Royal Botanic Gardens, Government House and the Domain, Sydney.
Cunninghamia 3(1): 215-229.
Clarke, P.J. (1993)
Mangrove, saltmarsh and peripheral vegetation of Jervis Bay.
Cunninghamia 3(1): 231-254.
Benson, J.S. (1993)
Vegetation survey and mapping in Queensland (V.J. Neldner).
Cunninghamia 3(1): 255-256. REVIEW
Benson, D. & McDougall, L. (1993)
Cunninghamia 3(2): 257-422.
Volume 2 - 1992
Benson, J.S. (1992)
Cunninghamia 2(4): 503-521.
Porter, C.L. (1992)
Distribution and abundance of Blandfordia cunninghamii Lindley (Blandfordiaceae).
Cunninghamia 2(4): 523-532.
Duncan, A. (1992)
Cunninghamia 2(4): 533-539.
Benson, D.H. (1992)
The natural vegetation of the Penrith 1:100 000 map sheet.
Cunninghamia 2(4): 541-596. #
Scott, J.A. (1992)
The natural vegetation of the Balranald-Swan Hill area.
Cunninghamia 2(4): 597-652. #
Gill, A.M. & Bradstock, R.A. (1992)
A national register for the fire responses of plant species.
Cunninghamia 2(4): 653-660.
Volume 2 - 1991
Benson, J. (1991)
The effect of 200 years of European settlement on the vegetation and flora of New South Wales.
Cunninghamia 2(3): 343-370.
Downing, A.J., Ramsay, H.P., & Schofield, W.B. (1991)
Bryophytes in the vicinity of Jenolan Caves, New South Wales.
Cunninghamia 2(3): 371-384.
Connor, H.E. & Jacobs, S.W.L. (1991)
Sex ratios in dioecious Australian grasses: a preliminary assessment.
Cunninghamia 2(3): 385-390.
Summerbell, G. (1991)
Cunninghamia 2(3): 391-409.
Norris, E.H. & Thomas, J. (1991)
Vegetation on rocky outcrops and ranges in central and south-western New South Wales.
Cunninghamia 2(3): 411-441.
Fox, M.D. (1991)
The natural vegetation of the Ana Branch - Mildura 1:250 000 map sheet (New South Wales).
Cunninghamia 2(3): 443-493. #
Short Communications
Payne, R.J. (1991)
New findings of the rare tree Syzygium paniculatum (Myrtaceae) in the Wyong area, New South Wales.
Cunninghamia 2(3): 495-498.
Hosking, J.R. (1991)
Flowering times of plants found in Oxley Park, Tamworth. An addendum.
Cunninghamia 2(3): 501.
Volume 2 - 1990
Morcom, L. & Westbrooke, M. (1990)
The vegetation of Mallee Cliffs National Park.
Cunninghamia 2(2): 147-166.
Ash, J. & Helman, C. (1990)
Floristics and vegetation biomass of a forest catchment, Kioloa, south coastal New South Wales.
Cunninghamia 2(2): 167-182.
Thomas, J. & Dlugaj, H.H. (1990)
Cunninghamia 2(2): 183-196.
Hosking, J. (1990)
Flowering times of plants found in Oxley Park, Tamworth.
Cunninghamia 2(2): 197-216. (See also Addendum in Cunninghamia 2(3): 501.)
Kodela, P.G. & Foster, D.A. (1990)
Common plants and soil salinity in the Lower Boro area, Southern Tablelands, New South Wales.
Cunninghamia 2(2): 217-222.
Benson, D.H., Thomas, J. & Burkitt, J. (1990)
The natural vegetation of Bents Basin State Recreation Area.
Cunninghamia 2(2): 223-262.
Ramsay, H.P., Downing, A. & Schofield, W.B. (1990)
The Bryophytes of Mount Tomah Botanic Garden.
Cunninghamia 2(2): 295-303.
Benson, D.H. & Keith, D.A. (1990)
The natural vegetation of the Wallerawang 1:100 000 map sheet.
Cunninghamia 2(2): 305-335. #
Map: Natural Vegetation of the Wallerawang area front and

Short communication
Benson, D.H. (1990)
Leptospermum: Rare or threatened species in New South Wales.
Cunninghamia 2(2): 337-341.
Volume 2 - 1988
Clayton-Greene, K.A. & Wimbush, D.J. (1988)
Acacia dry scrub communities in the Byadbo area of the Snowy Mountains.
Cunninghamia 2(1): 9-24.
McIntyre, S. & Newnham, M.R. (1988)
Distribution and spread of the Alismataceae in the rice-growing region of New South Wales.
Cunninghamia 2(1): 25-38.
Keith, D.A. (1988)
Floristic lists of New South Wales (III).
Cunninghamia 2(1): 39-73. [Current Floristic Lists of NSW, 2008]
May, V. (1988)
Cunninghamia 2(1): 75-84
Fox, M.D. (1988)
Understorey changes following fire at Myall Lakes, New South Wales.
Cunninghamia 2(1): 85-95.
McBarron, E.J., Benson, D.H. & Doherty, M.D. (1988)
Cunninghamia 2(1): 97-105.
Keith, D.A. & Benson, D.H. (1988)
The natural vegetation of the Katoomba 1:100 000 map sheet.
Cunninghamia 2(1): 107-143. #
Volume 1 - 1986
Myerscough, P.J. & Carolin, R.C. (1986)
Cunninghamia 1(4): 399-466. (includes 1:25 000 map) #
Benson, D.H. (1986)
The vegetation of the Gosford and Lake Macquarie 1:100 000 vegetation map sheet.
Cunninghamia 1(4): 467-489. #
Semple, W.S. (1986)
Plant species lists from four exclosure sites in the Hay district of south-western New South Wales.
Cunninghamia 1(4): 491-502.
May, V. & Powell, J.M. (1986)
Algae of the Peel River and the newly constructed Chaffey Dam, New South Wales, Australia.
Cunninghamia 1(4): 503-536.
Volume 1 - 1985
Fallding, H.B. & Benson, J.S. (1985)
Natural vegetation and settlement at Macquarie Pass, Illawarra Region, New South Wales.
Cunninghamia 1(3): 285-311. #
Outhred, R., Lainson, R., Lamb, R. & Outhred, D. (1985)
A floristic survey of Ku-ring-gai Chase National Park.
Cunninghamia 1(3): 313-338.
Benson, D.H. (1985)
Maturation periods for fire-sensitive shrub species in Hawkesbury Sandstone vegetation.
Cunninghamia 1(3): 339-349.
McRae, R.H.D. & Cooper, M. G. (1985)
Vegetation of the Merriwa area (1:100 000).
Cunninghamia 1(3): 351-369. #
Benson, D.H. (1985)
Aspects of the ecology of a rare tree species, Eucalyptus benthamii, at Bents Basin, Wallacia.
Cunninghamia 1(3): 371-383.
May, V. (1985)
Observations on algal floras close to two sewerage outlets.
Cunninghamia 1(3): 385-394.
Volume 1 - 1983
Rodd, A.N. & Pickard, J. (1983)
Census of vascular flora of Lord Howe Island.
Cunninghamia 1(2): 267-280.
Volume 1 - 1981
Benson, D.H. (1981)
Vegetation of Upper Mangrove Creek, Wyong, New South Wales.
Cunninghamia 1(1): 7-22.
Cunningham, G.M. & Milthorpe, P.L. (1981)
The vascular plants of five exclosure sites in western New South Wales.
Cunninghamia 1(1): 23-34.
Benson, D.H. (1981)
Vegetation of the Agnes Banks sand deposit, Richmond, New South Wales.
Cunninghamia 1(1): 35-57.
Bryant, H.J. & Benson, D.H. (1981)
Recent floristic lists of New South Wales.
Cunninghamia 1(1): 59-77. [Current Floristic Lists of NSW, 2008]
Benson, J.S. & Fallding, H. (1981)
Vegetation survey of Brisbane Water National Park and environs.
Cunninghamia 1(1): 79-113. (includes 1:50 000 map) #
Webb, J.B. (1981)
Vegetation of Spectacle Island, Hawkesbury River, New South Wales.
Cunninghamia 1(1), 115-119.
Benson, D.H. (1981)
Vegetation of Lion Island, Broken Bay, New South Wales.
Cunninghamia 1(1): 121-123.
Smith, J. (1981)
Cunninghamia 1(1): 125-128.