Workplace Giving

Make a difference by making a donation through your workplace. Your donations directly support our critical research.


As Australia’s oldest scientific institution, we are responsible for more than $1.2 billion in state significant cultural, heritage and botanical collections. 

We have several flagship science projects that are ensuring the flora and fauna of Australia are around for generations to come. 

But we need your help.

Support from our donors contributes to work that directly addresses critical environmental challenges and improves the lives of people through the power of plants.

Through workplace giving, you can support our botanical science research and help us fight the effects of climate change and biodiversity loss.

As of 2023, 3 out of 4 of the planet’s undescribed plant and fungi species are now at risk of extinction (State of the World’s Plant and Fungi Report, 2023).


Setting up workplace giving

80% of Australian employees expect their company to have a workplace giving program in place - empowering employees to give to their favourite charities is paramount to employee engagement and satisfaction.

Under a workplace giving program, donations are deducted directly from employee pay checks and sent to Botanic Gardens of Sydney. All donations made in this way are tax deductible. 

How does it work?

  • Workplace giving operates through your employers payroll system
  • It can occur through a formal workplace giving program that your employer has set up and which includes the Botanic Gardens, or by simply requesting that your employer make a deduction from your pay which is then sent to the Botanic Gardens as a donation
  • Under either option, employees can choose to donate a specified amount from each pay cycle to Botanic Gardens of Sydney
  • Speak to your Human Resources, Finance or Payroll departments to see if your employer has an established workplace giving

Donation Matching

Donations made to Botanic Gardens of Sydney have greater impact when they are matched by your employer. 

Does your organisation have donation matching? If not, chat to your Human Resources, Finance or Payroll departments to see if they can provide it!

62% of Australian employees were more likely to begin donating if their company matched donations.

Through donation matching, employees feel that their organisation cares about their passions, and workforce engagement can increase by over 12%.

All philanthropic giving is allocated to our priority science and horticulture projects. Your contributions mean that the Botanic Gardens can continue our critical conservation work and ensure that Australia’s most precious ecosystems are protected for generations to come.

For companies that do have donation matching programs already in place, the steps to donate are easy:

  1. Contact your HR to discuss the matching limit
  2. Make a donation to Botanic Gardens of Sydney
  3. Provide the donation receipt to your employer, along with any other required paperwork
  4. Confirm with your HR that your donation was matched

Let's connect

Have a question for us? Reach out today to find out more about workplace giving or corporate partnerships.

Phone: +61 2 9231 8111

Email:[email protected]