Current volunteering opportunities
Event and catering volunteers prepare and serve refreshments at many functions at the Garden. They oversee and run a variety of events operations such as setting up equipment.
Information booth volunteers provide information and assistance to visitors.
Exhibition volunteers assist with set up, display, hosting, sale assistants at Foundation and Friends exhibitions including Botanica and Artisans in the Gardens.
Office administration assistance is given in Foundation & Friends reception, data entry, membership, general office duties and packaging of items.
Growing Friends volunteers propagate plants under the guidance of the Gardens horticulture staff. This work is carried out at all three Gardens: the Royal Botanic Garden Sydney, Australian Botanic Garden Mount Annan and Blue Mountains Botanic Garden Mount Tomah.
The plants are then sold through a nursery and Visitor Centres in the Gardens, as well as at gardening and community shows and exhibitions.
Relaunching soon - Foundation & Friends Speakers Bureau The Speakers Bureau inform and educate the public about the work of Foundation & Friends and the Botanic Gardens of Sydney.
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