Miguel Garcia



With a passion for science and history, Miguel plays a vital role in managing the library collections and providing information to both staff and external parties. 

A formal education in Geology (BSc) and Library and Information Science (Diploma) developed a strong foundation for his job. As a skilled information and library manager, Miguel excels in conducting comprehensive literature searches and managing historical and archival collections. His expertise allows him to efficiently respond to inquiries and support research initiatives.  

A typical day for Miguel involves overseeing the library collections and addressing information requests from varying sources. His dedication to finding answers and delving into the rich scientific and historical resources, particularly related to the Gardens, drives his work. 

Miguel has had the privilege of working closely with both science and horticulture staff, forming collaborative relationships and contributing his expertise to their projects. This environment allows him to continually learn more about science, history, and the captivating stories surrounding the Gardens. 

His dedication and achievements within the industry are exemplified by his curation of the ‘Myth, Magic & Medicine’ exhibition, which explores the history and evolution of herbals.  

Miguel’s favourite plant is the Dragon Tree (Dracaena draco), a sub-tropical evergreen plant whose name is a reference to the reddish resin that exudes from the bark and leaves, supposedly resembling a dragon’s blood. He was also fascinated to learn about three intertwined and embattled trees — an intriguing interaction between two species of strangler fig and a paperbark tree engaged in a decades-long struggle with each other. 

Miguel's passion for both science and history, and their coexistence within the Royal Botanic Garden Sydney has been a driving force throughout his career. His vision for the future of the institution is for it to continue inspiring the public with a wealth of botanical and historical knowledge, thereby fostering a vibrant and intellectually stimulating environment for all.