Hervé Sauquet is an evolutionary biologist and botanist with a broad interest in macroevolution.
His research interests concentrate on questions of floral evolution and macroevolution of angiosperms (flowering plants).
Some of Hervé's projects address these questions at large in angiosperms as a whole, while others focus on specific clades such as Magnoliidae and Proteaceae.
He uses a broad range of approaches including systematics, comparative methods, phylogenetic reconstruction, molecular dating, diversification rates, next-generation sequencing, evo-devo, floral and pollen morphology, and paleobotany.
A key focus of his current and future research is to unravel and better understand large-scale patterns in the evolution of flowers through the eFLOWER project.
Hervé is the Head of Plant Discovery and Evolution Research for the Australian Institute of Botanical Science. He is based at the Australian Botanic Garden Mount Annan.
Recent publications
- Asar Y*, Ho SYW, Sauquet H. 2022. Early diversifications of angiosperms and their insect pollinators: Were they unlinked? Trends in Plant Science 27: 858–869. link
- Sauquet H, Ramírez-Barahona S, Magallón S. 2022. What is the age of flowering plants? Journal of Experimental Botany 73: 3840–3853. link
- Stephens RE*, Sauquet H, Guerin GR, Jiang M, Falster D, Gallagher RV. 2022. Climate shapes community flowering periods across biomes. Journal of Biogeography 49: 1205–1218. link
- Benton MJ, Wilf P, Sauquet H. 2022. The Angiosperm Terrestrial Revolution and the origins of modern biodiversity. New Phytologist 233: 2017–2035. link
- Chartier M, von Balthazar M, Sontag S, Löfstrand S, Palme T, Jabbour F, Sauquet H, Schönenberger J. 2021. Global patterns and a latitudinal gradient of flower disparity: perspectives from the angiosperm order Ericales. New Phytologist 230: 821–831. link
* an asterisk denotes students or postdocs that Hervé has supervised.
For a complete publication list, see Hervé's Google Scholar or ResearchGate profiles.