With expertise in seed biology, Ganesha's typical day revolves around planning and conducting seed dormancy experiments, analysing data, and preparing manuscripts for publication. Passionate about conserving Australian flora for future generations.
Ganesha S. Liyanage is a Plant Conservation Scientist at the Botanic Gardens of Sydney, based at the Australian PantBank at the Australian Botanic Garden Mount Annan. With a strong focus on seed dormancy, germination, and ex-situ seed storage (away from the natural habitat), Ganesha is involved in significant undertakings including the Australian Rainforest Seed Conservation Project and the Australian Flora Foundation funded Zieria dormancy and germination project.
Her research interests include exploring dormancy mechanisms in Australian native plants from fire-prone ecosystems and rainforests, studying the germination behaviour of threatened species, investigating seed heteromorphism (the quality of existing in various forms), and understanding seed biology in restoration and ex-situ conservation.
One project Ganesha was proud to be a part of was Understanding the Seed and Reproductive Biology of Geijera parviflora. This project shed light on the implications for conservation and restoration of this species. Commonly known as Wilga, Sheepbush and Dogwood, G. parviflora plays a vital role in several endangered and critically endangered ecological communities in New South Wales.
Ganesha's work showcases a commitment to preserving Australia’s unique Flora.

Five selected research publications
Liyanage GS, Offord CA, Crayn DM, Guja LK, Worboys S, Sommerville KD (2022) Understanding seed dormancy and germination aids conservation of rainforest species from tropical montane cloud forest: a case study confirming morphophysiological dormancy in the genus Tasmannia. Australian Journal of Botany 70, 399-408
Hirst MJ, Commander LE, Emery NJ, Guja LK, Liyanage GS, Merritt DJ, Nroton SL, Stevens A, Turner SR, Wood JA (2021) ‘Chapter 7 Seed germination and dormancy. In ‘Plant Germplasm Conservation in Australia: strategies and guidelines for developing, managing and utilising ex situ collections. 3rd edition.’ (Eds AJ Martyn Yenson, CA Offord, PF Meagher, TD Auld, D Bush, DJ Coates, LE Commander, LK Guja, SL Norton, RO Makinson, R Stanley, N Walsh, D Wrigley, L Broadhurst) pp. 187-236. (Australian Network for Plant Conservation, Canberra) Available at https://www.anpc.asn.au/plant-germplasm/
Liyanage GS, Offord CA, Sommerville KD (2020) Techniques for breaking seed dormancy of rainforest species from genus Acronychia. Seed Science and Technology 48, 159-165
Liyanage G, Ooi M (2017) Do dormancy-breaking temperature thresholds change as seeds age in the soil seed bank? Seed Science Research 27, 1-11
Liyanage GS, Ooi MKJ (2015) Intra-population level variation in thresholds for physical dormancy-breaking temperature. Annals of Botany 116, 123-131